HCA 13/54 f.77v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/54 |
Folio | 77 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 17/12/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_129_06_5549.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/12/17 |
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and many tymes would take waye a handfull or two of the said Tobaccoes
conteyning the quantitye of a pound or a pound and a halfe of Tobaccoes
at a tyme and carrye it awaye with him, for
sampells, or for his owne drinckinge and some others which came with him
would likewise divers tymes take a little of the said Tobaccoe with them
for sampells, and for all the tyme that the said Tobaccoes layd in the
sayd warehouses the said Whitmore (to this deponents knowledge) did
not finde faulte with the condition of the said Tobaccoes
or pretende any damage to have come to the same. The premisses hee
knoweth to be true for that he kept the key of the said Tobaccoes
and was present when they were showed three sayes in a weeke
to the said Whitmore and others as is before deposed Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 4 affirmat That the said Hopkinson and [?Bloe] did divers tymes
in the presence and hearinge of him this deponent offer to deliver
the said Whitmores Tobaccoes in question out of the said warehouses unto the said Whitmore or
his assignes, in case he the said Whitmore would paye the fraighte
warehouse room and other charges due for the same and this deponent attended three dayes in a weeke to that purpose which the said
Whitmore neglected to doe. Et alr nescit deponere./
Ad 8um affirmat That Tobaccoes which are layd in an upper roome
next to the sunne and the waterside if they lye any thinge longe they
must drye up and wast in their weighte and soe did the Tobaccoes
in question reddens racionem scientia sua he sayeth that the warehouse
at Wool key where the sayd Whitmores Tobaccoes in question laye was much
exposed to the winde and sunne, and the walls and tiles thereof were
much broken, and that the said Tobaccoes when they were first broughte
into the said warehouse were well conditioned but after they
had layen there soe longe as is before deposed they grewe verye
drye and would crumble to dust in a mans hande, and the Tobaccoes which
laye at the pinke were likewise much dryed by reason that the
windowes of the said warehouse were lefte open, and many tymes the
heads of the hogsheads of Tobaccoe which belonged to the said Whitmore
were lefte open divers nights togeither when he shewed them to
chapmen and offred them to sale as aforesaid Et alr nescit deponere.