HCA 13/53 f.284v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 284 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/02/03 |
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26th Augusti 1637
3 Harres
[?XX E.B.]
James Homewood of Dover in the County of Kent Seaman
aged aboute 40 yeares sworne before the worshipfull doctor Exton
surrogate to the righte worshipfull Sir Henry Marten Knighte doctor of
Lawes and Judge of the highe Courte of the Admiralty beinge
examined uppon certaine interrogatories on the behalfe of Jospeh
Harres of London merchant saieth thereunto as followeth videlicet./
To the first Interrogatory hee saieth That uppon or aboute the first or
second day of Auguste Anno 1634 before the departure of the
shippe the John and Dorothie from Gravesend on her
voyage to Virginia the interrate Joseph Harris and the interrate
John Payne came to an accompte at Gravesende, and there
made upp all accounts even betweene them and the sayd Payne beinge indebted to Mr Harres uppon
that accounte hee the said Harris did then and there forbidd the foresaid Payne
to intermeddle anymore with any of his the said Harres his busines or
goods at Virginia or to receive any of them into his the sayd
Paynes custody or possession, and atthe same tyme told the said Payne that
hee had appoynted Thomas Burly to receive his goods and to
bringe them for London, and not to dispose of them elswhere and
that hee had alsoe appointed him this examinate to keepe and accompte
of what Tobaccoes or other goods should bee laden or
putt aboard the foresayd shippe for his the said Harres his
accomptand likewise what fraighte should bee received
for his the said Harres his moyety or halfe parte of the shippe
and to give him the said accompte uppon theire arrivall here at Londn,
the premisses hee saieth hee well knoweth to bee true for that hee
this examinate was purser of the said shippe the foresayd voyage and in
her and present when the sayd Harres and Payne came to
accompte as before hee hath declared and alsoe when the said
Harres did forbidd the said Payne to meddle with any of his the
said Harres goodes./
To the second and the reste of the interrogatories hee saieth that
John Payne beinge arrested uppon severall accons and layd in prison
at Galloway in Ireland did as hee this examinate was there
informed procure a habeas corpus to remove himselfe out of prison
and the causes to bee heard before the Lord Deputy of Ireland
and hee saieth that the Lord Deputy haveinge as hee this examinate heard some of the
passages of the busines betweene the foresaid Mr Harres and the said
Payne referred the determination thereof to the righte honorable Sir
George Ratcliffe knighte, whose uppon a full heareinge of the busines
demandinge of the sayd Payne wherefore or by what or whose order hee came
into Ireland hee the said Payne did confesse that hee had noe