HCA 13/125 IMG 115 05 8699 Annotate

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HCA 13/125 f.1v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 29th of March 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Repeated before
Doctor Exton one of
the Judges et cetera

The personal answers of
Otto George Captaine, and
commannder of the shippe the
Sampson made to a certaine
pretensed affitionall allegation
made in the acts of the Courte
and admitted against him on
the behalfe of the Keepers of the
liberty of England followe videlicet.

To the said pretensed allegation he answereth
that the fower hundred twenty five
peeces of eight, and silver plate. to the
vallue of thirty pounds before in his
this respondents answeares preconfessed
made to the former allegation made in
the acts of Courte the eleaventh of
March 1652. (which answers hee
beleiveth to be true.) were by this
respondent for the necessary uses in his
said answeares mentioned taken out of the
said shippe after her seizure by Captaine
Penrose and company whilest shee was
in the Tilbury Hope and before any
waiters were (as he beleiveth) putt on
board her by the Commissioners of dutch
prize goods on the behalfe of the State
and before the twentith day of
November arlate as hee beleeveth
And otherwise hee doth not beleeve
this pretensed allegation to bee true
in any parte.