HCA 13/124 f.187v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.187v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


whoe were the Commanders in
cheide of the Scotch Squadron
being one of that Squadron
by my instructions from the
Earle of Warwicke will appeare

Item in October 1644 I regained
a Barke of Leverpoole called the
ould Guift some 35 Tonnes laden
with Coales in June before which
Prince Rupert tooke the Towne
hee tooke the said Barke with one
or Two more from Mr Thomas
Blackmore shee was bound for
dublin with her Coales/

The Barke called the ould guift
after I regained her I being [?sen]
cible of Mr Blackmores losse [?with]
my Campanies consent wee [?retur]
ned his barke to him againe
freely and sould the Coales for
which I gave Account to the Prize
office and have under the Corpora
tion Seale that wee never had
any penny for her./