HCA 13/124 f.151r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.151r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for his parte he doth not beleeve the said
position to bee true in any parte thereof

To the second pretended position he answereth
and beleeveth that within the time aforesaid
this rendent did make severall voyages in
the said shippe to severall ports and places
beyond the seas and backe againe to this
port of London in all to the number of sixe
in which voyages this rendent beleeveth hee
cleereth in the whole in case the same
can bee receaved the summe of 2995 li 3 s
4 d and noe more as hee beleeves 2100 li
whereof this rendent beleeveth is yet oweing
from the state for service donne by the
said shippe within the foresaid time every
sixteenth parte whereof doth amounte
unto the summe of 187 li 3 s 11 d 1/2 and
noe more as hee beleeves And otherwise
for his parte hee doth not beleeve the
said position to bee true in any parte

To the third pretended position hee
answereth and beleeveth that the shippe
the Truelove was and is a shippe of the
burthen of 200 tonnes and that the said
shippe was worth to be lett to freight
the freighters victuallinge and payinge
mens wages the summe of 60 li per moneth
and not above as hee beleeveth And
otherwise for his parte hee doth not
beleeve the said position to bee true in
any parte thereof Daveinge his former