HCA 13/124 f.146v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.146v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Repeated before
doctor Exton one of
the Judges et cetera/

The personall answers of
Jeremy Warren made to the
positions of an allegation
given against him on the behalfe
of William Williams and Henry
Thorney the [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] day of
december 1651 last past as

To the first and second hee answereth and beleeveth
that the arbitrators to whom the pretensed
dammage concerneing the said Williams his
fruit arlate was referred did agree that
hee this rendent should take the same fifty
barrells of Raisins pretended by the said
Williams to bee damnifyed by the insufficiency
of the shipp, and should allow the said
Williams for the same after the rate they
cost att Leporah from whense they were
brought and soe much he beleeveth they
did declare, and this rendent was
contented for quietnes sake to have
submitted thereunto and did take away
two and tweenty barrells of the said parcell
and would have had the residue uppon
the same tearmes, and did goe and search
for and demand the same, but the said
Williams did refuse to let this rendent
have the said Raisins unles hee would
pay him he said Williams for the
same after the rate hee sold his rest