E 190/46/2 f.12v Annotate

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E 190/46/2 f.12v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


October xxxth: 1657


Elizabeth of Sandwich Thomas Pinder Master}
1 Richard Callico ind xxx quarters of wheat ij C}
xx quarters of Mault and iiij quarters of Base Per Ceret}
xxijth October 1657.}


Anne of Feversham Richard [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Master}
2 James Franklyn ind lxxx quarters of wheat lx quarters of}
mault v quarters of Barly v quarters of Oates fourty dozen of}
tannd Calveskinns j Trunk of Apparrell.}

Fortune of Whitstable John Barker Master}
3 Richard Knowles ind xxv quarters of wheate and}
xv of Oates. Per Cert. xxth October 1657.}


John and Sarah of London John Gibbs Master}
4 James Buckold ind fifty Load of Timber and}
and Planks Per Cert: xvijth October 1657}

October xxxi 1657.


Elizabeth of Sandwich William Croux Master}
1 John Brooman ind xx quarters wheat xxxx quarters Beanes}
and pease j C quarters of mault v quarters of Oates and iij quarters of
Canaryseed Per Cert. xxviijth October 1657.}

Mary Anne of Sandwich John Broome Master}
2 John Do[?XX] ind x quarters wheat j C quarters Mault}
v quarters Beanes and iiij quarters Tares more j barr and a hogshead}
of Old Pewter Per Cert xxvjth October 1657.}


James Aloe of Stoake James Wells Master}
3 Roger Russell ind xx quarters of Meale xx quarters}
of Barly x quarters of wheate and xxxx quarters of Oates}
Per Cert. xvjth October 1657