E 190/46/2 f.11v Annotate

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E 190/46/2 f.11v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Eodem xxvjth October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]


Charles of Dover Thomas kyle Master}
4 Mathew Gibbons ind x quarter. tares. xx quarters wheate}
xx quarters of Malt one load Browne paper iiij baggs of}
wool quantity xij C pounds weight. viij dozen of Calveskinns and}
halfe a load of household goods. Per Cent: xxth October 1657.}


Speedwell of Ipswich William Armor Master}
5 William Feast ind. xx firkins of Butter iij packetts}
Bedding j thousand oxe hornes halfe a Load housholdstuffe}
iiij barrells and xxxx bushells apples loose, also 1/2 a quarter}
Currance and ij parcells of Raisens returned Per Cert. xxth October 1657}


Tymothy of Maldon Jacob Peverill Master}
6 Thomas Burt ind xx quarters of wheat x quarters of Oates}
xiiij Mands of Apples and one old Copper Per Cert xvjth October 1657}


Speedwell of Sandwich William Wiles Master}
7 Edward Day ind lxxx quarters Mault Per Cert}
xxjth October 1657}

xxjth (sic) October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]


William and Sarah of Margate James Trapham <aster}
8 William Parker ind fourty quarters of wheate lxxx quarters of}
maut v quarters of Beanes Per Cert xxiijd October 1657.}


Marigold of Ipswich John Lamly Master}
9 iiij C lxxvj firkins of Buter xxij C Cheeses vij}
baggs of Flox iij C weight of Carriott seed half a Load}
hoouseholdstuffe iiij quarters of Pease Per cert xxth October 1657}


John and Elizabeth of London William Marshall Master}
10 James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight}
of worsted and woollen yarne Per Cert. xxijth October 1657}

October xxvijth : 1657. [CENTRE HEADIMNG]

