E 190/46/2 f.10v Annotate

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E 190/46/2 f.10v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Eodem xxth October 1657.


Mary of Sandwich Richard Harris Master}
3 Jeffrey Wells ind xx quarters of wheat and one}
C and fifty quarters of Mault Per Cert xvth October 1657.}

Hopewell of Sandwich William Reynolds Master}
4 Richard Mosse ind xx quarters of wheat one C quarters}
of Mault viij quarters of Beanes Per Cert xvij October 1657}


Margrett of Southwold Edward Evered Master}
5 John Gold Ind ij C and lxvj firkins of Butter}
viij C and xxiiij Cheeses vj thousand and 1/2 of}
Fish ij Bedds and j Chest Per Cert xiijth October 1657.}


John and Margrett of Ipswich John Lambly Master senior Robert Greene Ind}
6 xvj firkins of Butter one Load of household}
goods, two tuns of English pottashes Per Cert xij October 1657}


Thomas of Hasting Thomas Hide Master}
7 Idem ind fourty Tunn of Tobackoe Pipe Clay}
Per Cert. xxviijth September 1657}


John of Whitstable William Carlton Master}
8 Edward Mills ind xxx quarters of wheat Per Cert}
xijth day of October 1657}

super Hull

Goodspeed of Hull Thomas Mold Master}
9 Thomas Barombrough ind lxix firkins of Butter}
Per Cert vjth October 1657}

October xxjth: 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]


Maidstone delight of Maidstone Robert Hall Master}
1 Edmund Colvill ind lxxx Baggs hopps one Tun}
of Spirits. five mands fruit, one Load householdstuffe}
one [?Dicker] Leather one bagg of Thread weight 8 ll}
ij hogsheads one Barrell old metall one barrell of}
returned sugar and j Barrell of Bees wax Per Cert}
xvijth October 1657.}


Thomas of Milton Edmund Smith Master}
2 Idem ind five quarters of wheate x quarters of meale
and xvj Baggs of Hopps quantity xxxvj C weight. Per Cert xvij October 1657
more one trusse of linnen Cloth returned xvj baggs}
of Hopps Per Ceert xix October 1657}


Swan of London John Absalom Master}
3 Idem ind xxiij Chaldron of Coales Per Cent. xvth September 1657}