Alexander Fowler

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Alexander Fowler
Person Alexander Fowler
First name Alexander
Middle name(s)
Last name Fowler
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Winecooper
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation
Associated with ship(s)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s) John Tuffley
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Signature
Has opening text Alexander Fowler
Has signoff text Alex ffowler
Signoff image
f.r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window
Language skills English language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street
Res parish Saint Olave Hart Street
Res town London
Res county
Res province
Res country England
Birth year 1620
Marriage year 1655
Death year 1693
Probate date
First deposition age 38
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s) HCA 13/72 f.351r Annotate
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s) May 28 1658
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship Shore based trade
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

Alexander Fowler (; d.?1693). Winecooper.

Married Sarah Staines in February 1655.[1]

Seven children of Alexander and Sarah Fowler baptised in parish of Saint Olave Hart Street between 1655 and 1665.

Resident in 1658 in parish of Saint Olave Hart Street. Probably resident in the same parish at his probable death in 1693. Burial record on October 13th 1693 in parish of Saint Olave Hart Street for "Alexander Fowler, cooper".[2]

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

Thirty-eight year old Alexander Fowler deposed on May 28 1658 in the High Court of Admiralty.[3] He was examined on an allegation on behalf of Mr Bence in the case of "Cawswell and Company against Bence".

Alexander Fowler stated that he had been employed as a cooper by London merchant Mr Alexander Bence to view fifteen chests of sugar brought home on the Oporto Merchant. Fowler had his servant John Turfley (alt. Tuffley) open one chest of sugar on board the ship, then helped open the rest himself ashore, after they had been delivered to Chesters Key.[4]

Comment on sources

"London Hearth Tax. 1666:
(St Olives Hart): Streett:
Elezander Fowler 6 hearths"[5]

PROB 11/385/256 Will of John Tuffley, Cooper of Saint Botolph Aldgate London 22 November 1686[6]

Registers of parish of Saint Olave Hart Street

The registers of the parish of Saint Olave Hart Street suggest that there were several Fowler families resident in the parish in the C17th. These include Alexander Fowler, Jasper Fowler and Robert Fowler.

"BAPTISMS. 1655. Dec. 6 John s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler"[7]

"BAPTISMS. 1659. July 4 Robert s. Alexandr & Sarah Fowler"[8]

"BAPTISMS. 1659. July 10. Sarah d. Alexander & Sarah Fowler"[9]

"BAPTISMS. 1660. July 13. Alexander s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler"[10]

"BAPTISMS. 1661. Sep. 8 Marie d. Alexander & Sarah Fowler, bap. p Mr Mills, parson"[11]

"BAPTISMS. 1664. Apr. 13 Sarah d. Alexander & Sarah Fowler"[12]

"BAPTISMS. 1665. Aug. 6. Richard s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler"[13]

"6 John s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler : ch. yard" (p.188)
"Ann d. Alexander & Sarah Fowler : ch. yard" (p.191)
"1659 XXX 18 Essex Hardwlcke, a lodger att M"" Fowler's: valte" (p.192)
"1660 XXX 17 Sarah d. Alexander & Sarah Fowler: ch. yard" (p.193)
"13 Alexander s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler : eh. yard" (p.194)
"1665 XXX 12 Sarah Bristow, a kinswoman of M' Fowler's, ffrom Algate pish : church" (p.202)
"15 Sarah d. Alexander Sc Sarah Fowler: ch. y'd" (p.203)
"1666 XXX 10 Richard s. Alexander & Sarah Fowler: ch. yard" (p.204)
"21 Robert Smith, a servant of M' Alexander Fowler: church yard. ex'" (p.216)
"1693 Oct. 13 Alexander Fowler, cooper : churchyard" (p.237)

"MARRIAGES 1655 Feb....Alexander Fowler & Sarah Staines, published vpon three Lord's daies, married 6 March"[14]

"MARRIAGES ?1664 an. 19 Thomas Dodson & Elizabeth Fowler, both of this parish, p banes" (p.277)

"BURIALS. 1693. Oct. 13 Alexander Fowler, cooper: churchyard"[15]
  1. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.271, viewed 18/08/2016
  2. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.237, viewed 18/08/2016
  3. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.351r
  4. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.351r
  5. Jump up 'Strett' in 'Hearth Tax: City of London 1666, St Olave Hart Street ', in London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011), British History Online, viewed 07/08/2016
  6. Jump up PROB 11/385/256 Will of John Tuffley, Cooper of Saint Botolph Aldgate London 22 November 1686,, viewed 07/08/2016
  7. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.63, viewed 18/08/2016
  8. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.65, viewed 18/08/2016
  9. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.66, viewed 18/08/2016
  10. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.67, viewed 18/08/2016
  11. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.68, viewed 18/08/2016
  12. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.71, viewed 18/08/2016
  13. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.73, viewed 18/08/2016
  14. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.271, viewed 18/08/2016
  15. Jump up W. Bruce Bannerman, The Registers of Saint Olave Hart Street, London, 1563-1700 (London, 1916), p.237, viewed 18/08/2016