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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 16/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 08/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=13/02/16
|First transcribed=13/02/08
|Editorial history=Created 26/04/13, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 26/04/13, by CSG
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|Transcription image=P1140930
|Transcription image=P1140929
1. of the said papers hee left the same to be annexed ˹(with translations into English)˺ to an authenticall
1. The first of June 1657.
2. copie of this affidavit, to the end the same ought be made publique, and
2. Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.
3. intimated to such as might be therein any waies concerned.
3. <margin value="Left">On the behalfe of the fore said Silvester&#125;
4. Ben barebore SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
4. ánd others. touching the ffortune.&#125;</margin>
5. <margin value="Left">Rp. 6.us</margin>
6. The 15th of June 1657.
6. John Cooke of the parish of White Chappell
7. <margin value="Left">hárbin ágaimst Wills and others.&#125;</margin>
7. London Merchant, aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts
8. Exámined upon an allegation on the behalfe
8. sworne and exámined.
9. of the said harbin.
9. To the eighth árticle of the said allegation (upon which alone hee is by
10. <margin value="Left">Rp. .j.</margin>
10. direction of the producent exámined) hee saith and deposeth That in or
11. '''Nicholas Saunders''' of Truroe in Cornewall
11. about August last past hee this deponent received a letre from his correspondent
12. Merchant, aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
12. liveing in Amsterdam and these dated, purporting (amongst other things)
13. and exámined.
13. and adviseing that if this deponent there were any shipps on the coast
14. To the fifth árticle of the said allegation (upon which alone hee
14. of Guiney wherein this deponent or any friend of his had any interest,
15. is by discretion of the producent exámined) hee saith and deposeth that
15. they should be doe well XXXX to give them notice that there were two
16. hee this deponent having for eleaven yeeres (ended about two yeeres
16. shipps designed from Amsterdam for those coasts, and that it was
17. since) lived at Morlaix in the Realme of ffrance and there often traffiqud
17. and designed to XX take English there, and that they could there
18. (amongst other things) in tobaccoes bought thither from Bourdeaux,
18. meete withall. And further that is the owners of the said two ships
19. is knowing and skilfull in the condition of those tobaccoes, and more
19. dwelt in Amsterdama nd Zealand as the common report alsoe went,
20. particularly of the tobaccoes in question, in asmuch as the same was
20. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
21. for the account of the producent mr harbyn consigned unto to Morlaix
22. to this deponent and partner, by william lade Carey lader at Bourdeaux
23. for the said account, who wrote unto this exáminate that it was
23. the tenth of June 1657. CENTRE HEADING
24. of the best sort of Bourdeaux tobaccoe and as good as any was made
24. <margin value="Left">Touching the shipps&#125;
25. that season, and this was soe written and sent to this deponent
25. Victory and the Saint&#125;
26. ánd partner before the seizure of the said tobaccoe in question,
26. John:&#125;</margin>
27. and for theise reasons hee saith hee is well assured and knoweth
27. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
28. that the said tobaccoe was at the time of the said lading and of
28. '''Bertrand Dibarbone''' of London Merchant aged nine and
29. the seizure thereof worth ˹at Morlaix˺ nine sols per pound at the least, and
29. twenty yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right Worshippfull
30. that soe it would gave ˹there˺ yeelded at Morlaix. And saith that according
30. John Godolphin doctor of Lawes - one of the Judges of the
31. to the said advise from the said lader, the said tobaccoe was in quantitie
31. high Court of the Admiraltie of England saith and deposeth
32. foure tonnes of tobaccoe ˹or thereabouts˺ ˹and amounted in weight to 8197 pounds˺ which amounts to or makes eight thousand
32. by vertue of his oath
33. weight or thereabouts, ˹referring himselfe˺ but for the more certaintie of the quantitie
33. That hee this deponent in or about the end of the moneth of May
34. and weight hee referreth himselfe to the bill of lading for the same
34. last past received advise ˹from Paris˺ from his correspondents Messieurs John Jaques
35. which this deponent hath seene, and supposed the same to be is XXXXXing
35. ffonne, Michael Carpentier and John Reynault Merchants there dwelling
36. in this Court, And saith further that the time arlate, namely
36. subiects of the king of ffrance, touching their lading ˹by their factor Charles reXchent˺ at Saint M certaine
37. in and about the moneth of March 1654 and 1655 tobaccoes of that
37. goods aboard two shipps ˹at Saint Malo's˺ at Saint Malo's aboa aboard two shipps the one
38. ˹or like˺ sort or like, generally sold and were vended at Morlaix XXXXXX
38. named the Victory of Saint Malo ˹John Gaultier Commander˺ bound for the barr of Cadiz, ffaro, ˹The˺ Canaries,
39. at nine sols per pound one with another, soe that the said tobaccoe
39. or New Spaine in the West India's, and the other named the Saint John
40. of the said mr harbyns, being as aforesaid eight thousand one hundred
40. of Saint Malo, ˹ffrancis Tranchant Commander˺ bound for the barr of Cadiz, ffaro, ˹and˺ the Canaries Canaries,
41. ninetie seaven pounds would have made and amounted to - 3688 livres
41. And saith that they in the said leteres of advice signified and declared unto
42. 13 sols, which after the rate of the then exchange amounted to two
42. this deponent that the said shipps were both to retourne for England
43. hundred wightie two pounds and odd shillings sterling, the exchange then being
43. or ffrance and there ˹to˺ discharge. And saith the further that ˹touching the said goods˺ hee in and
44. as hee saith from Morlaix to London fiftie five pence English to the
44. the same letere of advice received two papers written in ffrench, the
45. ffrench crowne. And this hee saith was and is publique and notorious
45. one beginning '''Extraict des Registres de L'Admiralte de ffrance a
46. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
46. Paris etcetera''', and ending '''fait a paris le sixieme Juin Mil six cent cens
47. Nic. Sanders SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
47. cinquante six''', and underwritten, '''fforne pere et fils, Charpentier et Requault'''
48. Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
48. And the other paper conteyning ˹a receipt of˺ a passe from the king of ffrance, beginning
49. ('''XXXX duc de VandoXom etcetera''' and undersigned by severall merchants. And
50. that they desired that this deponent, by their said ˹letere˺ to declare and make knowne
51. to this Court that the said goods ˹mentioned in the said first paper˺ were laden for their proper account
52. and for the further manifestation thereof and of the rest of the contents
53. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">of</margin>

Revision as of 09:11, April 26, 2013

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1. The first of June 1657.
2. Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.
3. <margin value="Left">On the behalfe of the fore said Silvester}
4. ánd others. touching the ffortune.}</margin>
5. <margin value="Left">Rp. 6.us</margin>
6. John Cooke of the parish of White Chappell
7. London Merchant, aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts
8. sworne and exámined.
9. To the eighth árticle of the said allegation (upon which alone hee is by
10. direction of the producent exámined) hee saith and deposeth That in or
11. about August last past hee this deponent received a letre from his correspondent
12. liveing in Amsterdam and these dated, purporting (amongst other things)
13. and adviseing that if this deponent there were any shipps on the coast
14. of Guiney wherein this deponent or any friend of his had any interest,
15. they should be doe well XXXX to give them notice that there were two
16. shipps designed from Amsterdam for those coasts, and that it was
17. and designed to XX take English there, and that they could there
18. meete withall. And further that is the owners of the said two ships
19. dwelt in Amsterdama nd Zealand as the common report alsoe went,
20. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
23. the tenth of June 1657. CENTRE HEADING
24. <margin value="Left">Touching the shipps}
25. Victory and the Saint}
26. John:}</margin>
27. <margin value="Left">Rp.</margin>
28. Bertrand Dibarbone of London Merchant aged nine and
29. twenty yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right Worshippfull
30. John Godolphin doctor of Lawes - one of the Judges of the
31. high Court of the Admiraltie of England saith and deposeth
32. by vertue of his oath
33. That hee this deponent in or about the end of the moneth of May
34. last past received advise ˹from Paris˺ from his correspondents Messieurs John Jaques
35. ffonne, Michael Carpentier and John Reynault Merchants there dwelling
36. subiects of the king of ffrance, touching their lading ˹by their factor Charles reXchent˺ at Saint M certaine
37. goods aboard two shipps ˹at Saint Malo's˺ at Saint Malo's aboa aboard two shipps the one
38. named the Victory of Saint Malo ˹John Gaultier Commander˺ bound for the barr of Cadiz, ffaro, ˹The˺ Canaries,
39. or New Spaine in the West India's, and the other named the Saint John
40. of Saint Malo, ˹ffrancis Tranchant Commander˺ bound for the barr of Cadiz, ffaro, ˹and˺ the Canaries Canaries,
41. And saith that they in the said leteres of advice signified and declared unto
42. this deponent that the said shipps were both to retourne for England
43. or ffrance and there ˹to˺ discharge. And saith the further that ˹touching the said goods˺ hee in and
44. the same letere of advice received two papers written in ffrench, the
45. one beginning Extraict des Registres de L'Admiralte de ffrance a
46. Paris etcetera, and ending fait a paris le sixieme Juin Mil six cent cens
47. cinquante six, and underwritten, fforne pere et fils, Charpentier et Requault
48. And the other paper conteyning ˹a receipt of˺ a passe from the king of ffrance, beginning
49. (XXXX duc de VandoXom etcetera and undersigned by severall merchants. And
50. that they desired that this deponent, by their said ˹letere˺ to declare and make knowne
51. to this Court that the said goods ˹mentioned in the said first paper˺ were laden for their proper account
52. and for the further manifestation thereof and of the rest of the contents
53. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">of</margin>

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