HCA 13/71 f.539v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.539v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


downe to Gravesend which was before the Peter and John was hyred to goe
the sayd voyage for Virginia./

To the 7th and 8th articles hee saith that the sayd Ewers his shipp and the Peter
and John and the Recovery whereof John Yonge was Master set sayle in Company
out of the downes and being all to the Westwards of ffalmouth and the wind
being not then fayre to proceede toward Virginia the sayd Ewers and his shipp and
the Peter and John in company with him put into ffalmouth on the one and twentyth
of January 1654
and saith the Recovery that night kept sea and came not at all into
ffalmouth, and that the sayd Ewers shipp and the Peter and John continued
at ffalmouth from the sayd 21th to the seaven and twentith daye of the same
moneth and then they both sett forth to Sea againe in Company and
continuedd in Company till the eighth day of ffebruary next following
and then lost one an other at Sea by meanes of fowle weather in the latitude
of forty sixe, betweene the Lands end of England, and the Islands of Azores
And saith that the Peter and John arrived in James River in Virginia
on the two and twentieth day of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred fifty
five and the sayd Ewers with his shipp arrived there about a day or two
after to the best of his this deponents now rem{embran}ce, and further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 9th hee cannot depose/

To the 10th hee cannot depose/

To the 11th hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing what quantitie of tobaccoes the arlate
Samuel Mathews shipped aboard other shipps for Accompte of the arlate
William Watts before the arrivall of the Peter and John and the sayd
Ewers his shipp at James River in Virginia./

To the 12th hee saith that hee hath bin a trader for Tobaccoes to Virginia
for these fowerteene or fifteene yeares last past and hath in that tyme made
about eleaven or more voyages thither and thereby knoweth that it is the use
and Constant practize of such as have Cropps of Tobaccoe in Virginia
to dispose of them and send them for England by such shipps as are present
in Virginia, about the middle, or at the farthest at the latter end of March
next after the yeare wherein they growe, unlesse they bee very certaine
that some shipp is very shortly after to come and will come thither
wherein they have tonnage taken, or else to barter the same away to [?hee]
as will take it and give the like quantitie of tobaccoe for it the next yeare
or to send it to New England or some other place in regard Tobaccoe is [?a]
perishing Commoditie in Virginia and will not keepe there without [?greate]
dammage from one harvest to an other, And further hee cannot depose

To the 13th hee saith hee sawe the shipps the Seaven Sisters and the John and
Katherine lying in James River in Virginia with much of their homeward
ladeing on board them when this deponent came thither in the Peter
and John, but how longe they had bin there before or when they
were cleered at Gravesed and sett sayle from thence or when they
arrived in Virginia hee knoweth or whether they returned thence without
dead freight hee knoweth not, And saith hee beleeveth if the sayd Ewers
had sett out from Gravesend soe soone as the sayd other shipps arlate did
and arrived at Virginia soe soone as they did hee beleeveth might have
returned thence for England without any dead freight And further saving his
foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./
