HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.20v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/69 Silver 15 |
Folio | 20 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/08/02 |
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The 29th day of November .1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Clayme of Peter Tam for his silver}
the Salvador}
Examined upon the said Allegation:-
[?XXX] silver-
Michael van Lubkin of Hamborough Mariner aged [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet
To the first second and 3. articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That he this
deponent hath well knowne the allegate Peter Tam a Shipmaster and Burgher of Hamborough
for about 20. yeares last past, during which time the said Peter Tam hath made
severall voyages to severall Ports and places of Spaine where hee hath traded for silver
and other commodities for his owne accompt, And saith That in the yeare 1652 last past
this deponent being at cadiz in Spaine, and there often in Companie with Jaspar Tam
Cozen and Purser to the said produent Peter Tam, and for that time residing at cadiz
aforesaid about the occasions of the said producent, hee the said Jaspar in or about the
moneths of November or December 1652 told and acquainted this deponent That by order of the
said producent hee the said Jaspar had solde and disposed of a part of a Cargo of goods
which his unckle the producent had formerly brought from Genoa, and which this
deponent had at Cadiz formerly seene consisting in paper and bedsteads and other comodities
and that with the proceed thereof hee had procured foure hundred fiftie six peeces of eight
which hee said hee had laden on board and sent away in the shipp the Salvador
(Christian Cloppenburgh Master) to be transported to Dunquirke or Ostend in fflanders and
there to be delivered to the said producent or his Assignes for his use: And by reason of
the premisses this deponent saith hee is fully and firmely assured in Conscience, that the
said Peter Tam was and is and ought to be the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor
of the said 456 peeces of eight, this deponent being also by reason of his long acquaintance
with the producent well acquainted with is usuall marke being the marke in
margent. And otherwise saving his following deposition hee saith hee cannot depose:/
To the 4: 5: and 6th and schedule or bill of lading alleadged in the 4th article, and showne
to this deponent at the time of his examination hee saith and deposeth, That hee was not
present at the firming of the bills of lading arlate, but by reasonit is the constant
customs of masters of shipps by themselves or their Pursers to signe three bills of lading of
one tenor for Merchants goods received aboard their shipps, and for that this deponent is well
acquainted with the handwriting of the said Jaspar Tam, and the firme or subscription
to the said bill, the handwriting, as hee also upon former experience stedfastly beleeveth
of the said Christian Cloppenburgh or his Purser in his name, hee therefore is
absolutely convined in Conscience, that the said bill of lading was and is one of the
Originall bils of lading signed at Cadiz by the said Captaine or Purser for the said sylver
and that the contents thereof were and are true, and so had and done as therein
is contained, And that no person whatsoever besides the said producent, since the time
the said sylver was so laden as aforesaid, had or hath any manner of part or
interest therein; And saith hee beleeveth that the sylver predeposed at the time of
the seizure of the said shipp by the said shipp by the English was on board the same
and came to the hands of the seizors and Officers of this Commonwealth. And other
wise saving his foregoing depositions hee saith hee cannot depose./
To the 7th hee saith the arlate Peter Tam was and is by common report a Hamburger
borne, and hath lived at Hamburgh for about 20. yeares of this deponents knowledge
And is there a Burgher and Subject of that free State which this deponent certainly
knoweth being also a Native of Hamburgh, where he hath alwaies had his constant [?XXXX]
To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true:/
Peter Tam
"Vollständiger Titel: Kläger: August Wygand, Notar in Hamburg, als Kurator der Metke Vogt (Vagets), Witwe des Henrich Vogt, Kaufmann und Bürger zu Hamburg (Kläger).- Beklagter: Caspar Tam(e) und die Erben des Heinrich Brockmann, Kaufleute in Hamburg (Nebenbeklagter).- Streitgegenstand: Appellationis; Schadensersatz- und Frachtgeldforderung in einem Streit zwischen Henrich Vogt und Peter Tamme, die 1664 in Kommission für die Beklagten auf den karibischen Inseln Martinique und St. Christopher (St. Kitts) Wein gegen Zucker und Tabak verkauft hatten, dann aber die eingehandelten Güter nicht mit ihrem Schiff "St. Anna" transportierten, sondern auf französische Schiffe verladen ließen und durch ein Schiffsunglück einen Teil der Waren verloren; Einrede des Klägers, dass höhere Gewalt vorliege, da der König von Frankreich durch Edikt den Transport von Waren der Inseln nur auf französischen Schiffen gestattete
Archivaliensignatur: Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_V 12
Alt-/Vorsignatur: V 1004
Kontext: Reichskammergericht >> V
Laufzeit: 1664,1686
Enthältvermerke: Enthält: Prokuratoren: Kläger: Dr. Gotthard Marquard. Beklagter: Dr. Franz Philip Högele.- Instanzen: 1. (Obergericht 1669-1685). 2. Reichskammergericht (1686).- Darin: Vertrag von 1664 zwischen den beteiligten Kaufleuten über das strittige Kommissionsgeschäft.
Sonstige Erschließungsangaben: Verwandte Bestände / Verzeichnungseinheiten: 741-4_S11401 (Bestelleinheit) [Mikroverfilmung von]
Bestand: 211-2 Reichskammergericht"[1]
"De prophet Samuel verwezenlijkte van augustus 1654 tot juli 1655 een bom van 61,8 %. Het Hamburgs schip den Salvador leverde 29 tot 46 % winst op per jaar, maar het is een uitzondering voor de Hamburgse schepen der firma. Nicholas de Groote had reden tot klagen. Zowei het schip van Hermans als dat van Peter Tam gaven meer kosten dan uitkeringen "Het is best dat man van sulke schippers siet te kommen, want sy varen..."[2] See also pp.373 & 358 for entries on Pete Tam [EDITORIAL NOTE: Baetens appears to have primary source material in the Felxi Archief relating to a number of Hamburg ships on the Mediterranean rout (Cadiz, Genua, elsewhere) in the 1640s and 1650s, and has been able to calculate ship returns on capital]
"De Gulden Sonne van Peter Tam was 200 last groot en telde 28 stukken geschut zoals het schip Salvador...."[3]
"De gulden Sonne, schipper Peter Tam, ondeneemt zelfs van uit Cadix in september 1647 een reis naar Buenos..."[4]
"Raadpleeg bijlage IV: in 1642 zeilt de Sint-Jan Baptista, schipper Heyndrik Beck, van Hamburg naar Marseille en vervolgens nach Genua. In 1646 volgt de Verguide Maen van Jacob Faes derzelfde route. Michiel en Thomas Uttenholt varen ook op Genua. Uit verzekerinspolissen (IB 1598) blijkt dat de Gulden Sonne van Peter Tam in 1655 de verbinding verzekert tussen Genua en Cadiz, evenals zijn brower (?) Jaspar Tam op de Sterre en in 1660 Jorge Tam op de Hope. Die is in tgenspraak wat F.BRAUDEL beweert, e.c...."[5]
"Peter Tam"[6] [EDITORIAL NOTE: Refers to use of Hamburg ships in war with Denmark]
Abraham Johnson of the precinct of Saint Catherines neere the Tower of London Sailemaker, aged 3[?5] yeares deposed on September 28t 1653 that"the said Person to whome the said Peter Tam had delivered the said silver laded the same uppon severall boates for Holland this deponent seeinge the same soe ladeb into the said boates which carried the same alonge the river towards Bridges, and from thence as he was informed it passed through land to Slute in fflanders, and was thence carried over to flushinge and soe to Amsterdam, And this deponent haveinge speech with some of the Companie of the said shipp (haveinge the Golden Sunn uppon her Sterne) att such tyme as they were readie to saile from Ostend, asked them whiat (seeinge they were bound for Holland with their said shipp, and that the said silber as he understood was to goe thither) they landed and keft that att Ostend, and did not carrie it along with them, to which they annsweared that the Coast was not cleare enough for such an Adventure, and the danger considered it was held safest to Land and leabe the same there to be sent through the Land in boates unto the same effect.."[7]
Gaspar Tam
Gaspar Tam of Hamborough Purser of the shipp the Goulden Sunn of Hamburgh aged 24 yeares[8]
- deposed on December 5th 1653 regarding "The Clayme of Peter Tam for his sylver in the Salvadore
- Gaspar Tam stated: "the allegate Peter Tam of Hamborough hath for the time arlate and for about 9 yeares before [driven] a Constant trade to Saint [Lucar] and Cadiz in Spaine for plate and sylver to be for his Accompt transported there to Dunquirke Ostend and Hamborough, and for the time predeposed the said Peter Tam the producent had and hath his Agents and [Corrrespondents] resident at Saint [Lucar] and Cadiz aforesaid"[9]
- Gaspar Tam states that he is a cousin of Peter Tam, and had "sailed with him for about ten years past"[10]
- Gaspar Tam stated that Peter Tam's silver was bought with "a certaine cargazon of goods belonging to the said producent [?of] paper, bedsteads, and silke stuffes and other commodities brought from [?Genua] by the producent in his said shipp the Goulden Sunn to Cadiz, and there expressely left in this deponents hands to be sold and disposed off to the [?very] best advantage, and the returne thereof to be by this deponent remitted from thence to this said producent or his assigne which this deponent accordingly did and laded the said sylver or moneys as aforesaid for the accompt and [?XX] sole adventure of the said producent"[11]
- ↑ Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-2_V 12
- ↑ Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.156
- ↑ Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.157
- ↑ Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), p.71
- ↑ Roland Baetens, De nazomer van Antwerpens welvaart. De diaspora en het handelhuis De Groote tijdens de eerste helft der 17de eeuw, vol.?1 [TBC] (XXXX, 1976), footonote ?22,p.72
- ↑ Nicholavm Bellvm, Kaeyserlicher Triumpff-Wagen und Victoria (XXXX, 1632), p.292
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.742v
- ↑ HCA 13/68 f.458r
- ↑ HCA 13/68 f.458r
- ↑ HCA 13/68 f.458r
- ↑ HCA 13/68 f.458v
- ↑ HCA 13/68 f.458v; HCA 13/68 f.459r