HCA 13/63 f.225r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 225 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/03/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6195.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/03/11 |
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Ad 23um deponit that the said shipp the Mayflower and the said pinck the Saint
Peter at the time of their arivall at Comminagata, had on board
them the number of 250 Negro's and upwards for the use and accompt of the
said Captaine Crandley, Mr Vassall and company, and that every of the said
Negro's were there worth the summe of 130 li sterling one with another, and at
that rate the same might there have bin solde, saying tha Captaine harris at
Cartagena in the West Indies sold Negro's bought from Ginny at that
rate and some dearer about three monethes after the losse aforesaid of the
said shipp Mayflower, Et alr nescit.
Ad 24 deponit that at the arivall of the said shipps the Mayflower and
the Peter at Commanagata and Barcelona and places thereabouts
as aforesaid there were on board them goods and merchandizes consisting in
Elephants teeth and Golde belonging to the said Vassall, Crandley and company
to the valewe of 1000 li sterlinge at the least besides the other
peece goods which were exported hence and then on board to the valewe of
4000 li sterlinge and upwards, all which were there disposed of
by the said Jacket and lost by his miscarriage aforesaid together with the said
Negro's, and soe the said Captaine Cranley and company were and are
verily deprived thereof and of the profit they would have produced, Reddens rationem ut supra, alr nescit.
Ad 25 deponit that the said shipp the Mayflower and the said Pincke
Peter were the time aforesaid of their losse well worth the summe of
2500 li sterlinge, Et alr nescit.
Ad 26 arlum deponit that the said Mr Vassall, Captaine Cranley and
company by reason of the premisses in losse of the said shipps, Negro's
and goods,
have and doe sustaine losse and dammage to the valewe
of 40000 li sterlinge, at the least for soe much the said shipps, Negros
and goods and merchandizes aforesaid were there worth. Et alr nescit deponere
saving the said losse happened by the fault or miscariage aforesaid of the said Jacket.
Ad 27 arlum deponit that the said Jacket in the said voyage and while the
said shipp and Pincke were at Cape Lopez aforesaid solde to one Mr
Wyat Commannder of a frigot in the service of the Ginney Company
and there riding, certaine goods (as longe beads like affots) which came
out of and were of the goods of the said shipp the Mayflower (and were
belonging to the said Captaine Cranley and company) for the summe of
a hundred and 20 odd pounds sterling, which the said Wyat upon sight
of a bill of exchange by him then and there subscribed was to pay to the
said Jackets wife here in London, whither the said frigot was then bound,
which hee knoweth seeing the said goods delivered unto him and because hee
this examinate by the said Jackets order wrote the bills of exchange for ther
said money as alsoe a bill of lading for the said goods. alr nescit.
Ad 28 arlum deponit that during all the while the said shipp and Pinke were and remained
in the places arlate there were at Commanagota and Barcelona and (as hee
hath heard and beleeveth) at Santo domingo garrisons or guards of souldiers
there kept by the Spaniards soe as noe goods merchandizes or Negro's could
be carried or put on shore out of or brought from shore into the said
shipp a Pincke without their leave and permission, and this was then well
knowne to the said Jacket, Et alr nescit deponere.
Ad 29 referet [?sead] predeposita, alr nescit.
George Dethick [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]