HCA 3/46 f.199r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.199r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


likewise acknowledginge that he bought the saide
Campechana and alleadnige that he hath paid the
one moyetie thereof Where upon the Judges did
monishe the said Bouche[?rll] to pay the one
moyetie of the said summe of 510 li by too morrowe
noone and condemned him in expences, and as to
the other moytie of the [?price] of the said shippe
and of the said Campechana the Judges assigned
to heare the order of the Court upon this day
sennight and monished him to be then present
and to bringe with him his acquittance for the
first moyetie of the said Campechana the same

The same against Edward}
Butler, henry dandy}
and John digby}

Which day the said Bud exhibited the
originall mandate with the
Certificate thereon indorsed, and open
preconization beinge made for the
said Butler dandy and digby Appeared
the said Butler and dandy in whose presence
doctor Walker Advocate for his highnes the
Lord Protector did alledge that he the saide
Butler did buy of the Comissioners for prize goods
Three Tunns of whale bone at six pounds eleaven
shillings per hundred and that the said dandye
did likewise buy of the said Comissioners the number of
sixtye sixe hogsheads of oyle at the rate of
25 li 15 s 6 d per Tunne, and that they have
not paid for the same, Which the said Butler and
dandy respectively confessed and acknowledged
to be true And thereupon the said Advocate alleadged
that Preceptum desolvendo is grantable by lawe
against the said dandy and digby and prayed thesame
to be awarded Whereupon the Judges upon the confession
of the said Butler and dandy did monish them to pay
the one moyetie of the price of the said goods by them
respectively bought as aforesaid accordinge to their
agreement by too morrowe noone accordinge to the
Tenor of an Act of Parliament in that behalfe
made and provided, and assigned to heare the order
of the Court touchinge the other moyetie thereof
upon this day sennight, and monished them to appeare
in this place at that tyme to see further proceedings
And as to the said digby the Judges at the petition
of the said Bud accusinge his contumacye pronounced
him contumacious and in paine and decreed him to
be attached Provided the same be not extracted
before this day sennight./

The same against John day}

Which day appeared personally the
said daye and acknowledged that
the sixe fatts of loafe sugar alleadged
by doctor Walker to have bin bought of
the Comissioners for prize goods by humphry Browne
were bought for the said dayes Account
at the rate of 8 li per Centum amounting to
the sume of 421. 19. 3. and that he hath not paid
for the same and thereupon the Judge at the petition
of the said Advocate did monish the said day to pay
the one moyetie of the said summe of 421 li 19 s 3 d
by too morrowe noone and to appeare this day
sennight to see further proceedings touching
the other moyetie/