HCA 13/71 f.513r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.513r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


depending in the Admiraltie Court at London and that the said copie could
not then be found, hee made or caused an other copie to be made, and having
showed the same with the originall Commission to the said officers, he left
the said second copie there with this deponent, being as hee
saith the copie nowe showed unto him and annexed to he said allegation./

To the third article hee saith then the said veselle of an unknowne name was
and is Spanish built, and had at the said time of seizure by the Lewise
the Spanish colours and none other aboard her, and saith that when the
said Captaine Bouchet sawe the said company of her said vesell quit
their vesell and betake themselves to their boats to run ashore and
escape hee caused severall of his company in his shallup to make after
them to seize them if they could, which they endeavoured but could not
effect, the said company of the said vessell of an unknowne name
escaping all ashore, and quitting and leaving their said vesell with
the said Spanish colours aboard her while the Lewise chased her with
the ffrench Ensigne displaied, and without all doubt the said vessell
as hee saith was belonging to the subjects of the King of Spaine
together with the goods therein at the time of the said seizue, And
whereas this deponent after such driving into Saint Ellens bay
sold an anchor and eight of the said iron pots, hee saith hee
did the same to supplie the necessities of himselfe and company with
provisions of victualls, they then being in great necessitie, not having
flesh and fish but for one day, and their bread being spoiled
with wormes, and having noe other way to supplie themselves , but
for the rest of her said goods so seized in the said vessell by the Lewise hee
saith they came in the said vesell of an unknowne name to Portsmouth
and there to the hands of the officers of this Commonwealth./

Rowe dt.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee saith hee neere knowe the said vessell before such
seizure by the Lewise, and was in her as aforesaid when shee was seized
by the [SXXling frigot], and saith the Lewise had had the said vessell
about three dayes in her possession before the said Captaine Bouchet
sent this deponent and the other eight persons away with her for
Bologne, and saith hee came first aboard the said vesell on the coast
of Galicia neere Cape ffinis-terre., where the Lewise as aforesaid
took her on or about the eight and twentieth day (new Stile) of
October last, And otherwise hee referreth himself this foregoeing deposition.

To the second hee saith that none of the company of the Lewise could
come to speake with any of the said vessells company, who fled away
on shore upon their approach with the ffrench colours, And otherwise
hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the third hee saith the said Captaine Bouchet is a ffrench man
borne at Bologne, and a subject of the king of ffrance, and for the
rest hee hath satisfied the same before.

To the fourth hee saith that this said deponent hath knowne the said
Captaine Bouchet about two yeares, and well knoweth him to be a
frrenchman, and of ffrench parents, this deponent well knowing that
his father a ffrenchmen is or lately was Captaine of a
troope about Bologne aforesaid, and saith the said Captaine George
Bouchet was aboard the Lewise when she tooke the said vesell as aforesaid.
And otherwise cannot answer, saving negatively for his part and saving
his foregoeing deposition.