Team William

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Revision as of 11:32, August 27, 2012 by Williamkellett (Talk | contribs)

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Team William

Editorial history

23/08/12: CSG, created page

Suggested links

Team Colin
Team Jill
Team Sarah

MarineLives-Transcript: Team William

Tasks for the week

Tips from team members

Will Kellett - 27/8/2012 - After having a look at some sample documents, I thought it would be worth noting some common problems with certain letters (mainly due to their confusion with modern equivalents) - notably 'R' which, when not in capital form, almost always looks like a modern 'w' as well as 's' (which occurs most regularly with 'saith') which often looks like a modern ' f '.

Queries from team members

Message from Colin to William

  • Sat., 25/08/12: I have posted ten images from HCA 13/71 to which you may wish to use for your own practice and with your team during the training week (w/c 3rd Sept.)

   HCA 13/71 f.51r P1130303
   HCA 13/71 f.51v P1130304
   HCA 13/71 f.52r P1130305
   HCA 13/71 f.52v P1130306
   HCA 13/71 f.53r P1130307
   HCA 13/71 f.53v P1130308
   HCA 13/71 f.54r P1130309
   HCA 13/71 f.54v P1130310
   HCA 13/71 f.55r P1130311
   HCA 13/71 f.55v P1130312

- HCA 13/71 f.53r First cut transcription completed; requires assistance on some spellings and on missing words

- HCA 13/71 f.53v First cut transcription completed, requires assistance with some spellings. Note a number of interlineal insertions on this manuscript page