HCA 13/72 f.503r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.503r.

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and now in subjection to the king of Portugall, the people
and inhabitants of which Dominions and Territories were and
are all Subjects of the king and Crowne of Portguall, and for
and as such commonly knowne reputed and taken, as this deponent
saieth it is publique and notorious to all persons frequenting
negotiating or relating in or to the said parts of the Brazeele
And further to this article hee deposeth not

To the fifth article of the said Allegation he saieth, That the said John Antunes Vian Manuel Rodrigues Caminha, Manuel
Perera Ramos and Manuel de Sousa, and such other persons
as then were the factors of the said Brazeele Companie by whom
the said Lading of sugars was putt on board the said shipp in the
yeare of our Lord 1657. arlate and in the moneths aforesaid
and for some yeares or moneths before did and doe live and
reside at the Bahia aforesaid or in some other parts thereabouts
within the Dominions of the said king of Portugall, and were
and are Subjects; and each of them was and is a Subject of the
king of Portugall and for such commonly accompted, as this deponent
sufficiently knoweth by his acquaintance commerce and corres-
-pondence with them in the trade and negotiation aforesaid
And more saieth not to this Article.

To the sixth article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That the said
sugars or the greatest and most considerable part thereof were really
and truely Laden and putt on board the said shipp for the accompt
of the said Brazeele Companie and of others the Subjects
of the King of Portugall, and were to have beene unLaded in
the port of Lisbone aforesaid, and were by the said ffactors or
Laders ordered and consigned to be delivered there to the Subjects
of the sais king, who were upon the receipt to have
payd to this deponent as Master of the said shipp the fraight
due for the transportation thereof, And this deponent alsoe saieth
That true it is, that some few chests of sugar, or a very litle and
inconsiderable number of the Chests of sugar whereof the said
shipps Cargasoon consisted, did belong unto some subjects of
this Commonwealth of England, The premisses this deponent affirmeth
and knoweth to be true by reason of such his relation to the said
shipp, andinfluence upon the transactions about, and privity to the Lading and propriety
of the said sugars; And more to this Article he saieth not, saving
that as this deponent beleeveth, such subjects of this Commonwealth
as were or are interessed in any part of the said sugars have
in this Court made their Clayme and demand for the same
since the arrivall of the said shipp the fortune in England.

To the seaventh Article of the said Allegation this deponent saieth