MRP: Seville

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Editorial history

12/01/12, CSG: Created page

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See Cadiz
See Madrid
See Malaga
See Tangiers



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Mentions of Seville in Wiki primary sources

Sir George Oxenden correspondence


Law suits

Gerrard Lloyd & company, Seville, Cadiz

See HCA13/71

"[DEPOSITION, 1656] the said Gerrard Lloyd and company had a very greate trade at Seville in Spaine and did there keepe a house and familie, and had at Sevile and other parts in Spaon a very greate commerce and traffique by ?many of Marchdize, w:ch hee knoweth for that hee this deponent lived at Sevill aforesaid with XXXX ?case where that kept their factory and managed their said trade and some came to take notice thereof

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that at the time of
the difference breaking forth betweene England and Spaine in the yeare
1655, the said Gerrard Lloyd and company had severall debts owing them
by severall persons residing in Spaine, and alsoe severall goods
merchandizes , and other effects in Sevill, S:t ?Surar,
Cadiz and other parts of Spaine, and household stuff in Sevill aforesaid
all amounting in his estimaccon to the summe or valew of seaven
thousand and nine hundred pounds, ?w:th XXX XXX owing both
private to XXXX XXXX from XXXXX"[1]


See Anthony Upton will (Written in 1669)
- Anthony Upton was an English merchant from near Dartmouth in Devon, who lived in Seville. He acted as factor to Christopher Boone, London merchant.

Suggested image sources

Possible primary sources

Possible secondary sources

Thornton, A.P., 'Spanish slave-ships in the English West Indies', The Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. 35, No. 3 (Aug., 1955), pp. 374-385
Vega Franco, Marisa, El tráfico de esclavos con América (Asientos de Grillo y Lomelin, 1663-1674) (Seville, 1984)

Web source on slave links to Seville, Spain:, viewed 18/11/11
  1. Jump up 'Gerrard Lloyd: Moses Bathurst deponent, 23:th of September 1656, HCA13/71