HCA 13/71 f.350v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.350v.

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To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth that at Gravesend fower servants
consigned to the arlate Cooper did there make an escape from on
board the sayd shipp in aboate which brought ?brought? some company to
visite friends they had on board the sayd shipp, and the shipps boate
being then gone to London about the shipps busines her company
having noe boate could not speedily make after them, by which TO DO: timmeGUTTER
they escaped and the shipp comming afterwards into the downes
Captaine Tottey upon enquire from and that they were on and board a
shipp whereof Generall Sedgewick was Commander and did
endeavour to get them againe, but could not, they being in the States
service but as this deponent hath heard the sayde General Sedgewick
gave the sayd Totty a noate to shew that they were in the states service
that XX hee might X XXXX XXX satisfie their master soe
much And hee saith hee this deponent heare the sayd Tottie
on board his shipp Edward and John at Gravesend promise
publiquely promise to the arlate Huggery and company of
the sayd ?shipp? that they should ?not? bee trouble about the escape of these
servants but hee the sayd Totty would himselfe satisfie for them
with fower other servants which hee had on board that had were
Masters, or words to that effecte And further to this arle hee cannot

To the 5th hee saith hee well knoweth that the cables of the sayd
shipp were rotten and sufficient and well remembereth that t
the Barbadoes by reason of their rottennesse and in sufficiency
two cables were tyed to one anchor, which not withstanding
they both brake with the weight of the Anchor, And saith that then
Turpin the Masters mate perceiving some twists of the Cables to
bee broken and others ready to breake did adventure up to the TO DO: steoud GUTTER
in water to fasten another rope to save the Anchor from being
lost, but before hee could fasten a roape both the cables TO DO: XXX GUTTER
and the Anchor became lost, And indede the sayd shipps TO DO: coXX GUTTER
did doe their endeavour to preserve the sayd Anchor and other the TO DO: XX GUTTER
of the sayd shipp, and what dammage happened ˹thereto˺ was enough
insufficiency and rottennesse of the sayd Cables and not enough
default of the sayd shipps company And further hee cannot

To the 6th hee saith that the arlate Huggery and Company TO DO: XXX GUTTER
this deponent was and did use all diligence they could to prefer
the sayd shipp, tackel, and goods on board her from any dammage
And saith that the sayd shipps Company having delivered TO DO: XX GUTTER
goods from on board the sayd shipp at Woolwich and the TO DO: XXXX GUTTER
coming to Greenewich afterwards and XX a lighter being ready
receave more out of her the Company romeageing amongst
goods did perceive that some of them were dammage and some
caskes of sager halfe XXXX there quarters empty ˹and˺ the sayd TO DO: XXX GUTTER
and Turpin both Masters Mates did acquainte the sayd TO DO: Totte GUTTER

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner