HCA 13/71 f.285v Annotate

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The 12th of November 1656

Goodwin and Company against the goods}
in the Saint John, dereck Rin master}
and against Simon and Consis Rodriguez}
Da Souza and others. Smyth. ffrancklin.}

Examined upon an allegation
given in on the behalfe of the
said Goodwin and others the
7th instant


Michael Johnson of East Smithfeild neere London Mariner, aged 44 yeeres or thereabouts sworne


Rp. .j.

To the first article hee saith hee hath after seene and read the
that since the Peece last made and Concluded betwixt
Spaine and the United Netherlands hee this deponent for severall yeeres space
sailed from dunkirke as well in Marchants service as on a man of warrs GUTTER
imployment, and that shipps of dunkirke (under the dominion of the king of Spaine) wherein hee hath bin hee
saith have as hee saith often met with laded shipps of the Subiects of the States of the
United Netherlands going to and comming from ports of Spaine ffrance and
Portugall (,which were in hostilitie with the king of Spaine,) but
from time to time hee saith they have suffered the said shipps of
the United Netherlands (from and after the said peece soe made) to
depart unvisited and unmolested upon therr meere showing their XXXX GUTTER
that or otherwise making it appeare˺ were belonging to the dominions of the said States, and this XXX GUTTER
and freedom was alwaies said accounted accounted to be
yeilded and given, in regard of and conformity to the Articles of Peace
made betweene the said king and States touching commerce and Navigation
was to th eddect arlate, hee saith it was and is generally knowne
taken notice and spoken of in the ports of and townes of the
United Netherlands in many of which this deponent hath bin and
heard and observed the Notorietie thereof since the said Peace soe
made betweene the said kinge and States. And otherwise
referring himselfe to the said Articles , which hee saith are Notorious GUTTER
in the dominions of the said king and States in the point
and have arlate; hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]


To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee is of Rotterdam by birth, and
is nowe a subiect of this Nation, having XXXXed setled his wife and
fixed his dwelling in Magdalens rents in East Smithfeild, where hee has
dwelty above three monethes and a halfe.

To the second hee saith that to his best remembrance it is about
tenn yeeres since the making the sad Peace betweene Spaine aand
the United Nettherlands, and otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the third hee saith hee never sawe the Articles of Peace interrate, nor GUTTER
knoweth the contents of any of them, nor was hee present at the
making or confirming them ratifying thereof. And otherwise
(saving negatively for his part) hee cannot answer.

To the fourth and 5th hee understandeth powder and lead, anchors and XXXX GUTTER
to be comprised under the name of Contrabande goods, And otherwise
hee cannot answer.

To the 6th and 7th hee saith that albeit the said shipps of dunkirke
belonging to the subiects of the king of Spaine) wherein this deponent GUTTER
hath sailed, have since the said Peece met with very many laded shipps XX GUTTER
the subiects of the said States going to and comming from ports of XXX GUTTER
and Portugall in histilitie with the king of Spaine (as heee hath

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