MRP: The Guildhall
The Guildhall
The French traveller and writer, Samuel Sorbière, visited London circa 1663. He stayed in Covent Garden, and explored the City of London. Commenting on the London Guildhall, he found it "an inconsiderable building," which stood in a narrow street.
"It serves instead of a Hall for Clothiers, where they bring all the Cloth they have to Sell on certain Days in the Week, tho' Drapers-hall stands near the Old-Exchange, which has a Fine Garden to it."[1]
Elizabeth Dallison had dealings at the Guildhall, which she mentioned in a letter to her brother dated XXXX. It lay just a few hundred yards from her lodgings in Throgmorton Street
Sir Henry Oxenden, brother of both Elizabeth Dallison and Sir George Oxenden, also mentions the Guildhall in a letter to Sir George. Writing of the merchant John Jolliffe, Sir Henry warned advised caution:
"He is a great ennemy they say where he is opposite, & a true friend where he inclin it, he was a witness against yo:w in ye bill sof exchange at Guildhall, & did yo:w ye most mischife: he still adhers to love, he is now one of o:r referees, I was advised by expetiall freinds of yo:s to persuad yo:w to send him a dimond, w:ch he knew would not be refused, he is M:r Aungiers great freind, a great speaker both in house of Comons (sic) & yo:e Committee & is powerfull there. Wee were acquainted last Parlim:t"
- ↑ Samuel Sorbière, A voyage to England: containing many things relating to the state of learning, religion, and other curiosities of that kingdom (London, 1709), p. 16