HCA 13/71 f.232v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.232v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


not and further to this Interogatorie hee cannot depose

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

ffrances Cannters [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 31th May 1656/
Page and Company against Basse}
Clements Smith}

Examined upon an allegation given in and admitted on
behalfe of the sayd Page and Company./

Rp. EA. .jus.

q: 2[?us] in A.16.

David Cooke of Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight mariner
aged 32 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and
examined, saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd allegation he saith that the arlate Christopher
Page during all the moneths and tyme arlate hath bin and still is commonly [?accoun GUTTER]
ted Master and parte Owner (videlicet of sixteenthe part of the arlate shipp the
Samuell of London and this deponent being his mate in the sayd shipp during
the voyage in question knoweth that the sayd Page had the command of the sayd shipp
as Master of her and was reputed parteowner of her during the months of August September
October November december and January 1655 And further to this article hee cannot depose.

To the 2: 3 and 4th article of the sayd allegation and to the schedule or Charterpar[?ty GUTTER]
in the second article mentioned hee saith hee welll knoweth that the sayd shipp the
Samuell of London the voyage in question was bound for and did goe from the
Port of London to the Islands of Teneriffe arlate there to take in such goodes
Merchandize as should be laden on board there by the factors or Agents of
the arlate Richard Basse and therewith returne to this Port of London
and there deliver them to the sayd Basse or his Assignes, and sett sayle
on the sayd voyage from Gravesend upon or about the twenty nynth day of
August 1655 and arrived at Larratata in the Island of Teneriff upon
about the 10th or 13th day of October next following and being there safely
arrived hee saith the sayd Richard Basse did by his factors or Agents their
cause to be laden aboard the sayd shipp for the use and Accompt of him the sayd
Richard Basse one hundred and and twelve tonnes of wine accompting two
pipes of wyne to every tonne And saith the sayd Page the Master of the sayd
Shipp was ready to have taken in and could and would have taken in and stored [?three tonnes GUTTER]
of wine more on on board the the sayd shipp (if the factors or Agents of the sayd
Basse would have laden the same) and have brought the same safe[?ly GUTTER]
to London (the danger of the sea excepted) and yet have reserved sufficient
stowage for the victualls belonging to the sayd shipp, this hee knoweth being
Masters Mate on board the sayd shipp the voyage in question and seeing
sayd wines laden and helpeing to lade them and alsoe unlade them at their
arrival at London And further to these articles and the Schedule or Charterp[?arty GUTTER]
aforesayd he cannot depose and being present at the signeing and sealing thereof, saving he saith that the same being read to him now and hee this deponent haveing formerly read the same himselfe hee bel[?eeveth GUTTER]
the contents thereof to be true./