HCA 13/72 f.242v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/72 f.242v.

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HCA 13/72 f.242v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mallega as the Canaries and thereby knoweth that Mallega Tonnage is b[?igger]
then the Canaries tonnage, and saith the shipp Industrie is in this deponents
Judgment of the burthen of two hundred and tenn tonnes at the least and is
able to carrie soe much in wines, and hee hath knowne her in a former voyage
which hee went in her from Saint Lucar to the Canaries carrie a hundred and
forty tonne weight in salt and oyle, And hee knoweth that the voyage in
question the sayd shipp besides the wines which shee brought home for the sayd
Page and others brought home in presents and R[?o]yal[?i]as (which shee brought freight
free as hee beleeveth the quantitie of two tonnes or thereabouts And he further
saith that in case shee brought any thing shorte of the tonnage which shee
was to have brought, the same (in this deponents Judgment and as hee vereily
beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience) was occasioned by the disorderly
puting the sayd hundred and thirty pipes of wine aboard in manner
predeposed And further to this article hee cannot depose./.

To the 4th hee saith that the arlate Blake and Company did make all possible
speede in the sayd shipps outward voyage soe soone, as hee had receaved
the goods and order from the sayd Page to depart from Gravesend and
whereas the sayd Page had determined that the arlate Mr Pilgrim should
goe over in the Industry to the Canaryes and that hee would alsoe
send his the sayd Pages letters this deponent knoweth that the winde
serveing fayre to depart out of the downes the sayd Blake sent this
deponent a shoare with the other shipps boate to deale to see if the sayd letters
and the sayd Mr Pilgrim were come thither, and this deponent bringing
word that they were not come (as in deede they were not) the sayd Blake
being desyrous to neglect noe tyme nor loose the oportunitie of that
fayre winde did set sayle out of the downes and goe on his outward
voyage without the sayd Mr Pilgrim and the sayd letters if Mr Page

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

To the Interrogatories formerly given in and now [repeated]

To the first hee saith hee cometh too be a wittnesse at request of the producent
Blake to whom he is not of Kindred nor allegance, and saith hee was
masters Mate and hath receaved all his wages due the voyage Interrogated And to
the rest of the Interrogatories hee answereth negatively./.

To the 2 hee saith hee hath heard that one don Christovall da Alvarado liveth
in the Island of Teneriff but knoweth him not. And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answere./.

To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth not of any pipe of wine of the sayd Pages
staved after it came into the possession of the mariners of the Industrie but [XXXX]
that all that came into their possession were delivered according to bills of
ladeing made for them. And saith there was noe allowance made by or demand[ed]
of this deponent (nor of any other of the Mariners that ever hee heard of) for any [XXXX]
soe staved, but hee (and they alsoe as hee beleeveth) receaved their full pay without
any abatement And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot
answere otherwise than negatively./
