HCA 3/46 f.25r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 3/46 f.25r.

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Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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HCA 3/46 f.25r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of Maurice Thompson and}
others touching the seizure and losse of}
the shipp the James and her lading}
seized by the subjects of the king of}
Soaine Bud Colquite}

Which day Colquite exhibited the originall
mandate with the ertificate thereon indorsed
which certificate the Judges continued untill
Satterday next in the morninge./.

Edward Arlabeere and Company against one 16th}
parte of the shipp formerly called the Mathew}
and John whereof Edward Arlabeere was master}
but now called the Mary and Elizabeth}
whereof William Thorne is master and her tackle}
and furniture belonging to Richard Best}
deceased and against the executors and administrators of the}
said Best in particular and all others et cetera}
Suckley Smith}

Which day appealed the said Smith for
John Wyn the executor of the last will and
testament of the said Richard Best deceased
and alleadged that the said 16th parte of the
said shipp arrested as lately belonginge unto
the said Best doth now belong unto him
and produced for sureties John hall of
the parish of Saint dyonis Backchurch London
Cloathworker and William Trimer of the
parish of Saint Benedict Paules wharfe London
dyer who submitting themselves st cetera obliged
themselves et cetera for the said John Wyn in the summe of
100 li of lawfull money of England for the said Edward
Arlabeere to answeare the action commenced against the said 16th
parte of the said shippe and to pay what the said Wyn
shalbe condemned in with expences of suite in case he shalbe
overthrowne and to bring forth the said Wyn in Judgement.
And unles et cetera Which caution the Judges receaved and decreed the
said 16th parte of the said shipp to be released from the arrest./.

The Lord Protector et cetera against John Brewer}
Budd Smith}

Which day the said Budd upon the allegation
by him in this cause given and admitted
produced for witnesses [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Tivill John
Bland and Arnold Beake whom the Judges
receaved and administred an oath unto them to
speake the truth at the time of their examination in the
presence of the said Smith dissentinge and having the
usuall time for Interrogatories./.

Curtis against Cockaine}
Clements Smith}

Which day Smith upon the allegation by him in this cause
given produced for a witnes John Burd of whom the
Judges receaved and administred an oath unto him to speake
the truth at the time of his examination in the presence of
Clements dissentinge and havinge the usuall time for Interrogatories

ffishman and Child against Batson}
Suckley Smith}

Which day the Judges assigned to have this
cause upon munday next in the afternoone
in the presence of Smith dissentinge et cetera./.

A busines of repairing and setting forth}
to Sea of the shipp the Scout promoted}
by William drakeford William Standen and}
others owners of 7. 8 parts of the said shipp}
against Ralph Stubbs owner of one 8th part
of the said shipp Suckley Colquite}

Which day forasmuch as the said
Colquite was assigned to shew cause at this
time why the said shipp should not be
repaired and sett to Sea at the proper costs
and charges of the said drakeford and
Standen and noe cause being by him
shewed the Judges did decree the said shipp
to be repaired and sett to Sea at the proper costs and
charges of the said drakeford and Standen and others owners of 7. 8 parts of
the said shippe upon security in the like cases usuall
and Colquite to have liberty to joyne in Comission for the
appointment of the said shippe in case he named Comissioners by
to morrow noone./.

Suggested links


Case: On the behalfe of John Cap[?a] and others touching the losse of the shipp Mathew and John of [XXXX] in a businesse of assurance
Deposition: Edward Arlibeere of the parishe of Saint Mary Matsellon London Marriner aged 29. yeares

- " hee this deponent was master and Commander of the said ship the Mathew and John Interrogated at such tyme as shee was last at the Canaryes"[1]

Case: Harris, Bowier and others against Pursell, Walters and others
Deposition: Edward Arlibeare, age 32, Mariner, of Wapping Wall in the County of Middlesex[2]

Case: Harris and others against Pursell and others.
Deposition: John Bradborne of the Inner Temple London. gentleman aged 20 yeeres

- "hee saith and deposeth that in or about the end of the moneth of March 1649 and beginning of Aprill 1650, the arlate William harris Thomas Bowyer and Richard heaman or some of them had treatie with the arlate Thomas waters, Thomas Pursell, hugh Massey and Richard Webb and with Richard Best since deceased or some of them about letting or hiring out in severall proportions of tonnage in the shipp the Mathew and John to them the said waters and company at freight, and did shortly after agree and by Charter partie bearing date the 22th of the said moneth of Aprill 1650"[3]

Thomas Janncey Laurence Steele Samuel Atkins and John Smith, May 1st 1651 [IMG_7121]
- Allegation of Edward Arlabeere Richard Best and Company; the ship the Jonathan and Abigall[4]


C 6/114/33 Short title: Davies v Cheyney. Plaintiffs: Edward Davies. Defendants: Thomas Cheyney, Edward Arlibeare and Richard Batson. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1651
  1. HCA 13/65 f.46v
  2. HCA 13/71 f.128v
  3. HCA 13/71 f.220v
  4. HCA 13/124 Index of Personal Answers