HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.9r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.9r.

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HCA 13/69 Silver 15 f.9r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


times formerly seene and observed the respective manner of the firmes or
subscriptions of the said Captaines and Purser whereby hee is acquaincted to the same,
and knoweth the handwritings wherewith the said bills of ladeing respectively
are fillers upp namely two of them by Gerard Ryper, and two of them by
the brother of the said John Lamotte, whose manner of writing hee knoweth
by the usuall letters of Correspondency between the said ffactors and the producent
which this deponent hath constantly seene and presented And hath seene the
duplicates of the said originall bills of lading remaining in the Registry of
this Court, and agreeing punctually with the bills annexed to the Allegation.
And otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose.

To the 5th he saith and deposeth, That some time before the seizure
of the said shipps, the Sampson Saint George and Salvador arlate, (as
this deponent now remembereth) the producent John Smeesters having as
aforesaid, received advise from his said ffactors concerning the ladeing of the
silver or goods of right predeposed, and thereupon write a letter of advise unto one
Paul Mar[?cier] a Merchant his Correspondent at Southampton here in
England, thereby intimating
unto his said Correspondent, that the pieces of eight predeposed were to be
laden at Cadiz aboard the said shipps respectively, and desiring him in Case the
said shipps came to be seized and brought up into England, That then hee
should on his behalfe claime the said peeces of eight for his the said producent
use and accompt, which letter of advise the said Paul Mar[?cier] shortly after writt
unto the said producent that hee had received, and would doe according to his order.
The premisses this deponent knoweth, being in his said quality employed to transcribe
and Register the said letter of advise sent as aforesaid by the producent, and having
seene and perused the answer of his said Correspondent. And further hee cannot

To the 6th hee saith, That the said three shipps after the lading of the
respective parcells of pieces of eight aboard them as aforesaid, being in their
Course for Ostend in fflanders were mett withall surprized and taken by
some of the shipps of this Commonwealth. and brought into England where
they now remaine, the said pieces of eight then being at hee believeth respectively
aboard the same. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 7th hee saith his foregoing deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively.

To the second hee saith, hee hath knowne the interrate John Smeesters for
7. yeares last past for all which time this deponent hath served him; and that hee
hath knowne the interrate Gerrard Ryper for about 7 yeares last past, and
the interrate John Lamotte for about 4 yeares. the former by letters of correspon=
dency onely, and the latter in person and by Correspondencey. And otherwise
negatively and further cannot depose.

To the third hee saith the said Gerard Ryper and John Lamotte are ffactors
to the said partie producent, but not hee to them, And otherwise saving his
foregoing deposition hee cannot depose, not being present at the lading of the moneys in question



John Lamotte
John Smeesters
Paul Marcier, a Merchant, Correspondent of John Smeesters at Southampton in England

Gerard Ryper [alt. Gerrard Ryper]





Saint George