HCA 13/72 f.288r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.288r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


about the moneths of November or december, one thousand sixe hundred fiftie
three the tyme more certaynely hee doth not remember the sayd shipp was
in the Port of Bilboa arlate and then freighted and laden with forty tonnes
of Iron and then ready to have proceeded upon her homewards voyage and had
receaved all her dispatches and was well fitted and furnished with her full
company of mariners fitting for conducting her homewards and with victualls
and all other necessaries fitting for her sayd homewards voyage and for
her sayd Company of Mariners this hee the better knoweth for that hee this
deponent was one of the factors of the freighters and Owners of the sayd shipp
and caused such her ladeing of Iron to bee put aboard her at Bilboa And
being soe fitted and ready to depart the sayd shipp and her ladeing were in
the moneths and tyme aforesayd seized and confiscated by the Alcaled
of Portugalott an officer of the King of Spaine for that the Master of the
sayd shipp had alsoe laden aboard her some silver for his owne Accompt
to bee thence transported which is a thing prohibited in the King of Spaines
dominions the premisses hee deposeth of certayne knowledge And further to this
article hee cannot depose.

To the second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth
that the arlate Thomas Pitt was the tyme aforesayd lawfull Owner and Proprietor
of two hundred and eleven Kintalls part of the sayd Iron soe laden aboard
the sayd shipp and the arlate James Marshall was then the lawfull Owner
and Proprietor of three hundred kintalls other part of the sayd Iron
soe laden And saith that the sayd whole forty tonnes of Iron soe laden aboard
the sayd shipp seized on by the King of Spaines officers for the reason
aforesayd and continued in their custody by the space of two or three
moneths in which tyme much of the provisions and victuall of the sayd shipp
were taken out of her or otherwise consumed and spent by the King of
Spaines officers who alsoe tooke out of her and imbeazelled much of
the sayd shipps tackleing to the great preoudice of the Owners of the sayd
shipp this hee deposeth of certayne knowledge being then a factor to the freighters
and Owners of the sayd shipp And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 4th hee saith that upon seizure of the sayd Iron this deponent and others
the factors of the sayd Pitt and Marshall did in their behalfe make clayme
of the sayd Iron and did upon a suite in lawe recover the same on the
behalfe of the sayd Pitt and Marshall by decree of the Court at Portugalot
which suite did of this deponents knowledge cost him this deponent and others
the ffactors of the sayd Pitt and Marshall fifteene pounds sterling./

To the 5th hee saith that hee being as a foresayd one of the factors of
the sayd Pitt and Company who were alsoe Owners of the sayd shipp
knoweth that there were three severall suites of lawe commenced and
presented in behalfe of the sayd Pitt and Company for the sayd shipp
and her tackle furniture and provisions the first suite in the Court
of Portugalott where hee saith the same were adiudged and confiscated
And the second upon Appeale from that Confiscation to the Concellaria
of Valiadolid and the third upon an Appeale thence to the Councell
in Madrid which suite in those three courts depended in all the space of twelve
moneths or thereabouts and there was of this deponents knowledge spent by
this deponent and others the factors of the sayd Pitt and Company in the prosecution
and defence of those suites nyntie pounds sterling at the least this hee knoweth
being an Actor therein on behalfe of the sayd Pitt and Company