HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.15r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.15r.

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HCA 13/69 Silver 1 f.15r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


[?ligonse] for transportation and be taken and apprehended in the sayd ports by the
Ministers and officers of the King, in such case the sayd sylver bullion
money and plate so endeavoured without license to be transported is
confiscable, and after due processe thereupon in the Courts of Spayne [?oth] use to be confiscat.
And somuch this deponent beleiveth is commonly talked of and beleived
by Seamen Masters of shipps and others useing to trade in the
Ports of Spaine. And otherwise he cannot depose.

Roger Kilverte [SIGNED, LHS]
Sam Delaplace [SIGNED, LHS]
before Doctor Exton

Rodrigo alonso [SIGNED, RHS]


The 31th day of Mary .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Laurence da Veles and Pedro}
[?Hannekaerts] for their moneyes in the shipp}
the Salvadore whereof Christian Cloppenbergh}
is Captaine lately seized by Captaine Penrose in}
[?one] of the Parliaments shippes}

Examined upon an allegation on behalfe
of the Claymers.

Antonio de Ponte of Garachicho in the Island
of Teneriffe merchant aged thirty yeares or
thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined.

To the first he saith that he this deponent hath for these nine yeares
past well knowne the arlate Lorenzo [?deucles], and saith that in the monethes
of September, October November december January ffebruary and march
1652. the sayd Lorenzo de[?veles] was and att present is Owner and Proprietor of twenty baggs of
peices of eight each bagg conteining two hundred peices of eight
Peru money marked with the marke in the margent; which he saith he
knoweth for that he this deponent saw the sayd Lorenzo [?develes] buy the
same att Cadize with Mexico money which the sayd Lorenzo of this
deponents knowledge procured in the Indies with the proceed of other
merchandises which he sold there. And he further, saith that, the
arlate four baggs of peices of eight each bagg contaeining
two hundred peices of eight Peru money in the tyme arlate did att present
doe belong to the arlate Pedro and Andrea [?Hannekaerts] living in
fflanders, for that this deponent saw the abovesayd Lorenzo [?develes] buy
the same att Cadiz with Mexico money for the sayd Hannekerts which
sayd Mexico money was the proceed of a Chest of bone lace which
the above sayd [?dearles] sold in the Indies on the bbehalfe of the sayd Pedro
and Andrea Hannekaerts. And the sayd four baggs are marked with
the sayd marke in the margent. And further he cannot depose saving
that the sayd Lorenzo de Veles hath severall tymes before the seizure told
this deponent that the above mentioned bone lace, and the sayd four baggs of
peices of eight were the proper goods of the sayd Pedro and Andreas. and
saving that the sayd Lorenzo Pedro and Andrea as and for Owners of
all the sayd twenty four baggs in manner by this deponent sett fourth were and are
reputed and accounted./

To the second he saith and deposeth that in the latter end of August or the beginning
of September 1652. the arlate Lorenzo de veles did himselfe lade aboard
the shipp the Salvador arlate the sayd four and twenty baggs of peices of
eight Peru money each bagg containing two hundred peices of eight as
aforesayd, this deponent Pasquall Andrada, and Roderigo Alonzo and
Thomas Durissa being present and assistant att the lading of them. And saith



Roger Kilverte
Sam Delaplace
Doctor Exton
Rodrigo Alonso
Laurence da Veles Lonrenzo de Veles
Pedro [?Hannekaerts]
Andrea Hannekaerts
Christian Cloppenbergh
Captain Penrose
Antonio de Ponte
Pasquall Andrada

Thomas Durissa




