HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.1r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 Silver 8 f.1r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Silver .8.

The sixth day of September 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of the Heyres of George da Etton}
[?XXX] merchants of Madrid for their}
moneys plate and sylver in the shipp the}
Sampson whereof Otto George is Captaine}
and the Salvador whereof Christian Cloppenbergh}
is Captaine and the Saint George whereof John}
Martins is Captaine taken by some of the}
shipps of warr in the immediate service of}
this Commonwealth Smith Bud}

Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe
of the sayd Claymers.

Diego Maistre of Sevil in Spaine
merchant aged fowr and twnety yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
Examined deposeth and saith as followeth

To the first and second Articles of the sayd Allegation this deponent saith
that he this deponent being att Cadiz in Spaine in the month of July 1652.
did then and there by the order of Hjeronimo Brudgmans a merchant of Sevil
being his this deponents master putt aboard the arlate shipp the Sampson
whereof the arlate Otto George is master eighty two barretons of fine
sylver weighing eleven hundred forty five markes, and marked as
in the margent, and allso eight and twenty small packetts from No 1. to
28 with five thousand five hundred sixty five old Peru Patacons of
the marke aforesayd. And saith that in the monethes of August September
October November and December last past 1652 the arlate Heires of
George da Etton heard merchants of Madrid were and att this present are
the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of all and singular the sayd
eighty two barretons of sylver and of the sayd twenty eight packets of
Potacions mentioned in the first schedule arlate, the reason of this
deponents knowledge is for that in the sayd moneth of July 1652. the aforesayd
Hjeronimo Brudgman of the certaine knowledge of this deponent being present att
the contract did buy the sayd plate and moneys att Cadiz of certaine merchants
Spaniards using the trade of the West Indies, for the Accompt of himselfe
and one Nicholas Paulo a factor for the Treasury of Madrid of which
Treasury the sayd Heires of George da Etton heard were and are the
principall masters and mannagers, and saith that afterwards in the sayd month
of July this deponents sayd master did part with and passe over all his Interest
in the sayd money and plate of the knowledge of this deponent to the sayd Nicholas
Paulo as factor for the sayd Treasury, which said Paulo discharged this deponents
master from the sayd Spanish merchants of whom the sayd sylver was bought by
and with their consent and undertooke to satisfy them for the same, and thereby
came to have the wole interest in the sayd sylver in himselfe to the use of the
sayd Heyres of George da Etton heard whose factor he is; And further saith
that of the sight of this deponent He the sayd Nicholas Paulo drew bills of
Exchange for the sayd sylver upon the Heyres of the sayd Etton heard and
delivered the sayd Bills to the aforesayd merchants of whom the sylver was bought
who goeing to Madrid had the sayd Bills there accepted and paid by the sayd
Heires of George Etton heard arlate, as they the sayd merchants did by letters
of advise certify this deponens sayd master Hieronimo Brudgmans, which
letters this deponent saw and perused before his comeing away from Cadiz
aforesayd; And further saith that the sayd sylver and moneys being laden as aforesayd
from and after the tyme of the contract or agreement made betweene this deponents
master and the sayd Nicholas Paulo was for the sole accompt of the sayd Heires
of George Etton heard to be transported in the sayd shipp Sampson from Cadiz
to Ostend att their hazard and there to be delivered to their use and Accompt; And saith as the
sayd Nicholas Paulo told this deponent att Cadiz the sayd sylver and money