HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Folio

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HCA 13/73 Deponents - Summer Program

Editorial history

Created, 06/06/14 by CSG


To list all deponents mentioned in HCA 13/73 in from ff.400r onwards in order of appearance


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Annotate HCA 13/71
Annotate HCA 13/72
Annotate HCA 13/73

HCA 13/71 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/71 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/72 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/72 Deponents - By Occupation

HCA 13/73 Deponents - Alphabetical
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Age
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Geography
HCA 13/73 Deponents - By Occupation


Robert fframpton of Limehouse Shipwright late Carpenter of the Brazil ffrigot (Thomas Heath Master) aged 35 yeares
Phillip Manning of London Merchant aged 35 yeeres
Daniel Boone of London merchant aged 23 yeeres
Thomas Davies servant and Aprentice to Edward Thompson of Shadwell Dealemerchant aged 19 yeeres
John Shawe of Tower wharfe Sailemaker aged 20 yeeres
George Settle of Shaswell Cooper aged 25 yeeres
Thomas Shute of Shadwell Brewer aged 20 yeeres

Thomas Etheridge of Limehouse Ropemaker aged 38 yeeres
Nicholas Pyburne Living in Schoolehouse Lane in Ratcliffe Ropemaker aged 22 yeeres
Robert Hooker of Ratcliffe Ropemaker aged 38 yeeres
Richard Hartshorne of Tower Wharfe sailemaker, aged Eighteene yeeres
Thomas Severne of Lymehouse Mariner Masters Mate of the ship the John and Catherine whereof John Miller was Master Aged 60 yeeres