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Line 30: Line 30:
To the 6th hee saith that hee knoweth that the sayd shipps Company
To the 6th hee saith that hee knoweth that the sayd shipps Company
did endeavour as much as they could the preservation of the sayd
did endeavour as much as they could the preservation of the sayd
shipp and her lading and saith that the the arrivall of the
shipp and her ladeing and saith that the the arrivall of the
sayd shipp neere Greenwich there came a lighter aboard
sayd shipp neere Greenwich there came a lighter aboard
her to receave some goods and the sayd shipps Company
her to receave some goods and the sayd shipps Company
Line 37: Line 37:
sugar caskes were halfe empty of sugar and much
sugar caskes were halfe empty of sugar and much
washed and damaged and thereupon acquainted
washed and damaged and thereupon acquainted
the sayd Tolty therewith, who made answere, that if they were
the sayd Totty therewith, who made answere, that if they were
soe then the shipps company must pay for them, whereupon
soe then the shipps company must pay for them, whereupon
[?undlyuggere] and Mr Turpin the Masters mates
Mr huggere and Mr Turpin the Masters mates
in behalfe of them selves and the whole shipps company defied
in behalfe of them selves and the whole shipps company defied
the sayd Tolty that before any more goods were unladen a
the sayd Totty that before any more goods were unladen a
survey might bee taken by some of the trinity house of
survey might bee taken by some of the Trinity house of
the dammage, and by what meanes the same had happened,
the dammage, and by what meanes the same had happened,
whether by any disability of the shipp, or whether by fault
whether by any disability of the shipp, or whether by fault
Line 49: Line 49:
the sayd Master would not consent to any such survey, but
the sayd Master would not consent to any such survey, but
sayd hee would have the shipp unladen, and went on shoare
sayd hee would have the shipp unladen, and went on shoare
and procured divers lavourers to come on board,
and procured divers labourers to come on board,
and unladed divers goods more in to the sayd lighter
and unladed divers goods more in to the sayd lighter
contrary to the shipps companys desyre, and without
contrary to the shipps companys desyre, and without
Line 55: Line 55:
and did not understand what danger might ensue thereupon who did
and did not understand what danger might ensue thereupon who did
helpe the labourers to fill the sayd lighter with goods and the
helpe the labourers to fill the sayd lighter with goods and the
same being full the sayd Tolty caused it to bee sent away And
same being full the sayd Totty caused it to bee sent away And
further hee saith that shortly after the sayd [?luggere]
further hee saith that shortly after the sayd huggere
in behalf of him self and the shipps company procured
in behalf of him selfe and the shipps company procured
two Masters of the Trinity house to come on board and survey
two Masters of the Trinity house to come on board and survey
the goods left on board, and after they had surveyed the same
the goods left on board, and after they had surveyed the same
saith the shipps Company then wrought and delivered all the
saith the shipps Company then wrought and delivered all the
goods then on board the sayd shipp having only [?somlynees]
goods then on board the sayd shipp having only somtymes
some labourers to helpe instead of some of the shipps company who [?accasion]
some labourers to helpe instead of some of the shipps company who had occasion
somelymes to bee absent and instead of some who were pressed from
sometymes to bee absent and instead of some who were pressed from
aboard into the states service, And futher hee cannot depose./
aboard into the States service, And futher hee cannot depose./
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 09:05, February 13, 2014

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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huggery and Totty.
[?ex parte] Totty.

therefore had given him such a noate for his discharge./

To the 5th hee saith hee well know the two cables mentioned in
this article and knoweth that they were rotten and
soe had bin for a long tyme before they brake, but was not present
when they brake and lost the Anchor which was fastened to them And
further cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith that hee knoweth that the sayd shipps Company
did endeavour as much as they could the preservation of the sayd
shipp and her ladeing and saith that the the arrivall of the
sayd shipp neere Greenwich there came a lighter aboard
her to receave some goods and the sayd shipps Company
did by the Captaines order put some goods into her, but
romeageing among the goods then found that some
sugar caskes were halfe empty of sugar and much
washed and damaged and thereupon acquainted
the sayd Totty therewith, who made answere, that if they were
soe then the shipps company must pay for them, whereupon
Mr huggere and Mr Turpin the Masters mates
in behalfe of them selves and the whole shipps company defied
the sayd Totty that before any more goods were unladen a
survey might bee taken by some of the Trinity house of
the dammage, and by what meanes the same had happened,
whether by any disability of the shipp, or whether by fault
of the shipps Company, that soe they might bee cleere of
the damages in case it belonged not to them to make good, but
the sayd Master would not consent to any such survey, but
sayd hee would have the shipp unladen, and went on shoare
and procured divers labourers to come on board,
and unladed divers goods more in to the sayd lighter
contrary to the shipps companys desyre, and without
their helpe, saving some few who were outlandish men
and did not understand what danger might ensue thereupon who did
helpe the labourers to fill the sayd lighter with goods and the
same being full the sayd Totty caused it to bee sent away And
further hee saith that shortly after the sayd huggere
in behalf of him selfe and the shipps company procured
two Masters of the Trinity house to come on board and survey
the goods left on board, and after they had surveyed the same
saith the shipps Company then wrought and delivered all the
goods then on board the sayd shipp having only somtymes
some labourers to helpe instead of some of the shipps company who had occasion
sometymes to bee absent and instead of some who were pressed from
aboard into the States service, And futher hee cannot depose./

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner