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|Status=First cut transcription started on 28/09/12 and completed on 21/01/13 by Colin Greenstreet; Pasted into wikispot on 03/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=13/01/21
|Editorial history=Created 06/04/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 06/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1130739
|Transcription=To the third hee saith the said shipp was thrise at Zant the said voyage
as aforesaid, and that on the outwards ˹voyage˺ from London shee departed on the
third of ffebruary last was a twelve moneth, and came and arived at Zant (being
the first time of her arriving thither that voyage) on the ˹three˺ twoand twentieth of Aprill
next following, as hee remembreth the time, and there she staid till the
seaventeenth of May XXXX after, on which day shee set saile for the Morea, and
came there to an anchor the ˹XXXXXXX˺ next day after, and the upon the coast of Morea
shee staid till the 30th of the same moneth, on which day shee set saile and
departed for Zant, and there arived on the second of June next following, and there
shee staid till the thirteenth day of June, on which day shee separted againe
for the Morea, where she arived the same day shee arived there and there
staid till the second of July next after, on which day shee departed thense and
arived againe at Zant on the fourth of July aforesaid, And all The certaintie
of which times hee the better knoweth, going in the said shipp and having
nowe his Journal with him, And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot
To the fourth hee referreth him selfe to his forefoing deposition, and otherwise hee
cannot answer, and being furnished at presnt with his papers wherein the
particularities and quantities of the onward lading are set downe, and saving what followeth.
To the this XXXX fifth negatively.
To the 6th hee saith hee was not present nor knoweth ought of the
discourse or promises interrogated.
To the 7th hee saith the said shipp the George Bonadventure at the time
of her proceeding on the said voyage from this port, was of the burthen
of two hundred tonnes and upwards, which hee knoweth being boatswaine
of her.
To the 8th ˹and 9th˺ hee answereth negatively, not knowing not having heard
as hee saith that the said mr ffarington had provided or offered to lade or
had ready to lade any other goods than what were laden and taken aboard in
this port upon the said shipps outwards voyage. howbeit hee saith that
foure wherries loade of butter and cheese laden by on or on the behalfe
of the said farrington, were by the officers of the Customs taken out of
the said shipp, as provisions not permitted nor allowed by the Customeshouse
to be transported, and saith there were 13 an hundred and thirtie barrells
of herrings laden by the said mr farrington, and were seized by the
Customshouse. this deponent knoweth not nor hath heard of any herrings
butter or cheese, that was provided or offered to be laden, or that was left
To the tenth hee saith that the fore said two parcells of Greeke-cheese
fetched from the Morea as aforesaid, were there at Zant delivered and
disposed by ˹the order of˺ mr John Dobson who was comonnly said and accounted to be
the factor of the said George ffarrington, and to be partner in the said factorie
with the fore said Richard ffarington, who alsoe appeared in the businesse
when the said goods were delivered.
To the eleaventh hee saith that the said shipp staid and lay in the River of
Thames about a fortnight or three weekes after her taking in her last lading
for the said voyage, before shee departed on the same.
To the twelveth and 13th hee saith that after the said second retourne of the said shipp
from Morea to Zant, the said factors of the said George ffarrington
let out the said shipp to freight to the Provedor of Zant for a voyage to
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 13:19, May 3, 2014

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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To the third hee saith the said shipp was thrise at Zant the said voyage
as aforesaid, and that on the outwards ˹voyage˺ from London shee departed on the
third of ffebruary last was a twelve moneth, and came and arived at Zant (being
the first time of her arriving thither that voyage) on the ˹three˺ twoand twentieth of Aprill
next following, as hee remembreth the time, and there she staid till the
seaventeenth of May XXXX after, on which day shee set saile for the Morea, and
came there to an anchor the ˹XXXXXXX˺ next day after, and the upon the coast of Morea
shee staid till the 30th of the same moneth, on which day shee set saile and
departed for Zant, and there arived on the second of June next following, and there
shee staid till the thirteenth day of June, on which day shee separted againe
for the Morea, where she arived the same day shee arived there and there
staid till the second of July next after, on which day shee departed thense and
arived againe at Zant on the fourth of July aforesaid, And all The certaintie
of which times hee the better knoweth, going in the said shipp and having
nowe his Journal with him, And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot

To the fourth hee referreth him selfe to his forefoing deposition, and otherwise hee
cannot answer, and being furnished at presnt with his papers wherein the
particularities and quantities of the onward lading are set downe, and saving what followeth.

To the this XXXX fifth negatively.

To the 6th hee saith hee was not present nor knoweth ought of the
discourse or promises interrogated.

To the 7th hee saith the said shipp the George Bonadventure at the time
of her proceeding on the said voyage from this port, was of the burthen
of two hundred tonnes and upwards, which hee knoweth being boatswaine
of her.

To the 8th ˹and 9th˺ hee answereth negatively, not knowing not having heard
as hee saith that the said mr ffarington had provided or offered to lade or
had ready to lade any other goods than what were laden and taken aboard in
this port upon the said shipps outwards voyage. howbeit hee saith that
foure wherries loade of butter and cheese laden by on or on the behalfe
of the said farrington, were by the officers of the Customs taken out of
the said shipp, as provisions not permitted nor allowed by the Customeshouse
to be transported, and saith there were 13 an hundred and thirtie barrells
of herrings laden by the said mr farrington, and were seized by the
Customshouse. this deponent knoweth not nor hath heard of any herrings
butter or cheese, that was provided or offered to be laden, or that was left

To the tenth hee saith that the fore said two parcells of Greeke-cheese
fetched from the Morea as aforesaid, were there at Zant delivered and
disposed by ˹the order of˺ mr John Dobson who was comonnly said and accounted to be
the factor of the said George ffarrington, and to be partner in the said factorie
with the fore said Richard ffarington, who alsoe appeared in the businesse
when the said goods were delivered.

To the eleaventh hee saith that the said shipp staid and lay in the River of
Thames about a fortnight or three weekes after her taking in her last lading
for the said voyage, before shee departed on the same.

To the twelveth and 13th hee saith that after the said second retourne of the said shipp
from Morea to Zant, the said factors of the said George ffarrington
let out the said shipp to freight to the Provedor of Zant for a voyage to

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner