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==Jonathan Ash will==
==Jonathan Ash will==
Son of John Ash
Married XXXX
PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of Jonathan Ash, Draper of London 11 July 1665
PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of Jonathan Ash, Draper of London 11 July 1665
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===Abstract & context
===Abstract & context===
'Son of John Ash
Married XXXX
===Suggested links===
See [[MRP: Edward Ashe will|Edward Ashe will]] (brother of Jonathan Ash)
See [[MRP: Edward Ash will|Edward Ash will]]
See [[MRP: Elizabeth Ashe will|Elizabeth Ashe will]]
See [[MRP: James Ashe will|James Ashe will]]
See [[MRP: John Ashe will|John Ashe will]]
See [[MRP: Sir Joseph Ash will|Sir Joseph Ash will]] (brother of Jonathan Ash)
===To do===
'''This transcription has been completed, but requires checking'''
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JONATHAN ASH Cittizen and draper of London being of indifferent good health and of pfect and sound memory thanks be unto God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JONATHAN ASH Cittizen and draper of London being of indifferent good health and of pfect and sound memory thanks be unto God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge

Revision as of 08:48, December 12, 2011

Jonathan Ash will

Son of John Ash
Married XXXX

PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of Jonathan Ash, Draper of London 11 July 1665

Editorial history

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See Edward Ashe will (brother of Jonathan Ash)
See Edward Ash will
See Elizabeth Ashe will
See James Ashe will
See John Ashe will
See Sir Joseph Ash will (brother of Jonathan Ash)

To do


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I JONATHAN ASH Cittizen and draper of London being of indifferent good health and of pfect and sound memory thanks be unto God for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge

FFIRST I surrender my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God and my body I comitt to the Earth whereof it was made to be decently buryed where my Executrix shall thinke fitt at the charges of One hundred pounds and not above.

ITEM I doe desire and my will and mind is that after my debts payd All the rest of my personall estate other than my Plate Jewells rings andhouseholdstuffe shall accordinge to the custome of the Citty of London be devided into three equall ptes or shares one of which ptes or shares I will shall remayne and doe hereby devise unto my loveing wyfe Rebecca Ash togeather with all my plate Jewells rings and householdstuffe at the time of my death, One other Third pte or share I will and devise unto my Sixe Children Grace Elizabeth Rebecca Margarett Mary and Sarah equally to be devided amongst them pte and share alike as and for their Orphanage ptes and porcons according unto them by and accordinge to the said custome And as for and concerneing the other Third pte of my pson:ll estate by the Custome aforesaid in my dispose I doe herby give and devise the sume also unto my said six Children equally to be devided amongst them parte and share alike And my will and mind is That all the legacies and porcons by this my will or by any codicill that shall be annexed ther unto given or devised unto my said Children or any of them shall be payd unto them respectively and severally at her and their severall and respective ages of one and Twenty yeares or dayes of marriage, which shall first happen And my further will and mind is That untill payment be made unto my said Children respectively of their said respective legacies and porcions they and each of them respectively shall be decently kept and maintayned by my Executrix by and out of the interest and profitts of the said Two Thirds of my said psonall estate to them devised as aforesaid and otherwise as my said Executrix shall thinke fitt And if it shall happen that any of my said Children shall depart this life before such age of One and Twenty yeares or day of marriage as aforesaid That then the legacy and porcon of her and every of them soe dyeing shall remayne to the Survivo:rs and Survivor of my said children and be equally devided amongst them in such manner and at the dayes and times aforesaid otherwise as my Overseers or Trustees herein after named or the Survivor of them shall thinke fitt And I doe hereby devise unto my brother S:r Joseph Ash barronett and to Edward Pate of London merchant to each of them Ten yards of ffine blacke cloth for mourning desireing them to be my Overseers and Trustees and to advise and assist my Executrix the best they can in the above pformance of this my will

ITEM I give to the poore of the pish wher my body shall be interred (if the same be not interred in the pish of Cree Church London) ffive pounds And to the poore of that pish


Three pounds to be payd within Two months after my death And I doe hereby make and appoynt my loveing wife Rebecca Ash the Sole Executrix of this my will desireing her to pforme the same to her utmost accordinge to my intent and meaneing herein before sett downe and expressed And I doe hereby revoake all other wills by me formerly made and doe hereby make and ordaine this to be my last will and testament dated the Eight and Twentyth day of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred sixty and Two


This was declared and published to be the last will of the said Jonathan Ashe and by him signed and sealed the day of the date thereof in the presence of us Lionell Gatford D.D. Samuell Hous de interior Temple

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this writinge I make as a Codicill to my last Will and testament that whereas I have since marryed my daughter Grace to my Sonne in law Tufton [Or, Tuflon] and have covenanted when he shall attayne the age of 21 yeares to pay One Thousand pounds as her portion Now my will is that my said daughter shall not have any share in my said will unless my estate shall worke out that my other daughters should have more than One thousand pounds each and them to share alike in this overplus


Sealed and del. In psence of Joseph Ashe Mary Ashe Margaret ?Rand her marke

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum quarumm Codicille annex apud London coram Egidie Waring in Antibus magne Surragato ventis et egreyiy vivi domini William Merrike militis legum eteris Curia Praerogative Sancta majxx Custodis sive Sexentesimo sepagesimo quinto Juramento Rebecca Ash Relis dii defuncti et Executris in humxx testamento nominat: Cui Condissa fuit administrazio omnium et singular bonum jurum et creditor di defuncti de bens et fidelx administrando ead:m Ad sancta de Evangelia jurat. Ex:e
