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|Editorial history=Created 07/04/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 24/10/2012
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2012/10/24
|Editorial history=Edited on 25/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1130776.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130776.JPG}}
|Transcription=and gave him a push from him soe that the sayd May fell backward
over a coyle of roapes which lay behinde him, And this deponent
and others of the shipps Company then present who sawe the premisses and heard the words
aforesayd passe betwixt them the sayd Master and the sayd May, stepped betweene
them and persuaded them at that present to bee quiett, and the compasse beinge
brought out of the sayd Cabbin, the differance ended for that tyme, And
the sayd May still continueing his discontent did afterwards declare
to this deponent in presence of the sayd Swinburne the Boastswaine and this deponents
contest Robert harwell that hee the sayd May was resolved to
goe in the sayd shipp noe further than to Meslapatam and the sayd
Boatswaine being alsoe discontented with the sayd Master and being
resolved alsoe to leave the sayd shipp and having heard that this deponent
had alsoe a mynde to leave her if hee could gett his wages, sayd to
this deponent, how shall wee gett our wages if wee leave the
shipp, And thereupon the sayd May sayd there is
money in the shipp wee may pay our selves out of that and leave
the rest, whereto this deponent replyed noe, I will have noe hand
in any such thing for I am not willing to leave my Country
(meaning England) where his residence was and is) nor bee hanged at
home and further hee cannot depose/
[?danill] harman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day./
'''Rp. 3'''
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
'''Richard Chapman''' of Wapping in the County of
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
Middlesex Mariner one of the Company of the shipp the
''Vine'' aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts, a wittness
sworne and examined saith and deposeth
That the shipp the ''Vine'' of London (James Barker Master) being
in the yeare 1655 on her outward bound voyage for the East
Indies, some differences happened betweene the sayd Master and
John May his Cheife Mate and Pylott of the sayd shipp, and saith
that one of the differences betweene the sayd Master and the sayd May
was touching an Azimouth Compasse of the sayd May which
the sayd Master had a desyre to have, (it being as hee conceived better
than his owne) to make use of for the sayd shipps use in her sayd
voyage, which the sayd May (as this deponent hath heard by others of the
sayd shipps Company) refused to lett the Master have to make use of
and this deponent being at the beginning of that difference in his
Cabbin and hearing a great noise upon the deck of the Shipp came
up to see what the matter was, and being come heard the sayd Master
speake to John Swinburne the boateswaine of the sayd shipp commanded
him upon perill of looseing his wages to goe and breake open the sayd
Mayes Cabbin and fetch out the sayd Compasse and bring it to him the
sayd Master and hee would beare him out for soe doeing, or to that effect
and heard the sayd May then speake to the sayd Boatswaine and sayd
thus or the like in effect I charge you upon penalty of more than
tenn tymes the losse of your wages that you breake not open my cabbin nor [XXXX GUTTER]
withthe sayd Compasse or words to that effect whereupon the Master being offended [?the GUTTER]
Master and the sayd may fell to grappleing and laying hold one of
an other, And the sayd Compasse was soone after brought to the sayd

Latest revision as of 12:46, May 23, 2015

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/71 f.308v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and gave him a push from him soe that the sayd May fell backward
over a coyle of roapes which lay behinde him, And this deponent
and others of the shipps Company then present who sawe the premisses and heard the words
aforesayd passe betwixt them the sayd Master and the sayd May, stepped betweene
them and persuaded them at that present to bee quiett, and the compasse beinge
brought out of the sayd Cabbin, the differance ended for that tyme, And
the sayd May still continueing his discontent did afterwards declare
to this deponent in presence of the sayd Swinburne the Boastswaine and this deponents
contest Robert harwell that hee the sayd May was resolved to
goe in the sayd shipp noe further than to Meslapatam and the sayd
Boatswaine being alsoe discontented with the sayd Master and being
resolved alsoe to leave the sayd shipp and having heard that this deponent
had alsoe a mynde to leave her if hee could gett his wages, sayd to
this deponent, how shall wee gett our wages if wee leave the
shipp, And thereupon the sayd May sayd there is
money in the shipp wee may pay our selves out of that and leave
the rest, whereto this deponent replyed noe, I will have noe hand
in any such thing for I am not willing to leave my Country
(meaning England) where his residence was and is) nor bee hanged at
home and further hee cannot depose/

[?danill] harman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day./

Rp. 3

Richard Chapman of Wapping in the County of
Middlesex Mariner one of the Company of the shipp the
Vine aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts, a wittness
sworne and examined saith and deposeth

That the shipp the Vine of London (James Barker Master) being
in the yeare 1655 on her outward bound voyage for the East
Indies, some differences happened betweene the sayd Master and
John May his Cheife Mate and Pylott of the sayd shipp, and saith
that one of the differences betweene the sayd Master and the sayd May
was touching an Azimouth Compasse of the sayd May which
the sayd Master had a desyre to have, (it being as hee conceived better
than his owne) to make use of for the sayd shipps use in her sayd
voyage, which the sayd May (as this deponent hath heard by others of the
sayd shipps Company) refused to lett the Master have to make use of
and this deponent being at the beginning of that difference in his
Cabbin and hearing a great noise upon the deck of the Shipp came
up to see what the matter was, and being come heard the sayd Master
speake to John Swinburne the boateswaine of the sayd shipp commanded
him upon perill of looseing his wages to goe and breake open the sayd
Mayes Cabbin and fetch out the sayd Compasse and bring it to him the
sayd Master and hee would beare him out for soe doeing, or to that effect
and heard the sayd May then speake to the sayd Boatswaine and sayd
thus or the like in effect I charge you upon penalty of more than
tenn tymes the losse of your wages that you breake not open my cabbin nor [XXXX GUTTER]
withthe sayd Compasse or words to that effect whereupon the Master being offended [?the GUTTER]
Master and the sayd may fell to grappleing and laying hold one of
an other, And the sayd Compasse was soone after brought to the sayd