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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 24/08/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 24/08/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2014/08/24
|First transcribed=14/08/24
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_4091.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 23/08/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_4091.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.22v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_4091.JPG}}
|Transcription=The 7th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
|Transcription=The 7th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Line 32: Line 28:
Netherland Provinces, and that they bought her there about foure yeares
Netherland Provinces, and that they bought her there about foure yeares
since of dutchmen and subiects of the said States and paid thirteene hundred
since of dutchmen and subiects of the said States and paid thirteene hundred
poundds fflemish for the same and then constituted this deponent master of
pounds fflemish for the same and then constituted this deponent master of
her and hee hath ever since bin master of her, and saith shee was built
her and hee hath ever since bin master of her, and saith shee was built
att Rotterdam, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
att Rotterdam, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Line 43: Line 39:
Stephen [?Fim] and other ffrenchmen, and to be carrued to and dischardged
Stephen [?Fim] and other ffrenchmen, and to be carrued to and dischardged
at haver de Grace and theere to be delivered to one Monsieur Nicholas
at haver de Grace and theere to be delivered to one Monsieur Nicholas
Gadin, but of wjhat growth or manufacture the said merchandize are or
Gadin, but of what growth or manufacture the said merchandize are or
for whose accompt laden, hee saith hee knoweth not. And further deposeth
for whose accompt laden, hee saith hee knoweth not. And further deposeth
that there were alsoe aboard at the time of the said seizure thirtie
that there were alsoe aboard at the time of the said seizure thirtie
Line 49: Line 45:
Bayon, aforesaid for the accompt of his said owners, subiects of the
Bayon, aforesaid for the accompt of his said owners, subiects of the
said States of the Netherlands, and for the accompt of this deponent and
said States of the Netherlands, and for the accompt of this deponent and
shipps companie, all Zealanders and subiects of the said SDtates
shipps companie, all Zealanders and subiects of the said States
s(saving one of them who us a Norwegian) an hundred and six cakes of
(saving one of them who us a Norwegian) an hundred and six cakes of
Rosin, six hogsheads of turpentine, seaventie oares, twelve
Rosin, six hogsheads of turpentine, seaventie oares, twelve
bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll, seaven and fiftie peeces of box
bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll, seaven and fiftie peeces of box
Line 72: Line 68:
them at Bayon to be sent over land, and brought none in the shipp
them at Bayon to be sent over land, and brought none in the shipp
with him, nor other writings saving his seabrief, and admiraltie
with him, nor other writings saving his seabrief, and admiraltie
brief, and some accompts and papers in a caseall which were taken from
brief, and some accompts and papers in a case all which were taken from
him by the Commander of the ''Speaker'' in the downes, and hee this deponent on;y
him by the Commander of the ''Speaker'' in the downes, and hee this deponent on;y
kept and hath some few notes of his lading, and saith there was
kept and hath some few notes of his lading, and saith there was
alsoe a Charter partie made for the said goods soe laden by the ffrench
alsoe a Charter partie made for the said goods soe laden by the ffrench

Latest revision as of 08:03, February 28, 2016

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HCA 13/70 f.22v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 7th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the}
Elizabeth of fflushing John Nosse master}

[?XX Beake]

John Noose of fflushing Mariner
master of the said shipp the Elizabeth aged
36 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp the
Elizabeth belongeth to the port of fflushing and that her owners dwell
all there and are dutchmen and all subiects of the States of the United
Netherland Provinces, and that they bought her there about foure yeares
since of dutchmen and subiects of the said States and paid thirteene hundred
pounds fflemish for the same and then constituted this deponent master of
her and hee hath ever since bin master of her, and saith shee was built
att Rotterdam, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that there were aboard
the said shipp at the time of her seizure by the Tyger 201 hogsheads
of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood,
sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of
slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance by one
Stephen [?Fim] and other ffrenchmen, and to be carrued to and dischardged
at haver de Grace and theere to be delivered to one Monsieur Nicholas
Gadin, but of what growth or manufacture the said merchandize are or
for whose accompt laden, hee saith hee knoweth not. And further deposeth
that there were alsoe aboard at the time of the said seizure thirtie
baggs of feathers which were bought and laden by him this deponent at
Bayon, aforesaid for the accompt of his said owners, subiects of the
said States of the Netherlands, and for the accompt of this deponent and
shipps companie, all Zealanders and subiects of the said States
(saving one of them who us a Norwegian) an hundred and six cakes of
Rosin, six hogsheads of turpentine, seaventie oares, twelve
bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll, seaven and fiftie peeces of box
and 48 [?XXX] of turpentine oile, which goods were laden by him this deponent
and his said shipps companie at Bayon, and that all the said goods
soe laden for the accompt of the said owners and of this deponent and
companie were intended to be by him sold at haver de Grace for their
said respective accompts. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving there
were about 30 plancks and 8 dozen of matts used aboard to preserve the oile and woolls
which plancks andmatts belonged to the said shipps owners, and were to be paid for at haver de Grace

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith hee carried 34 lasts of Rie and
some tobaccoe and other goods from fflushing to Bayon and there sold
the same and with the proceede bought the foresaid goods soe laden
for his said owners accompt at Bayon, and that hee carried not any
money thither. And otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee
saidth hee cannot depose.

To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee signed
bills of lading for the said goods soe laden by the said ffrenchmen, and left
them at Bayon to be sent over land, and brought none in the shipp
with him, nor other writings saving his seabrief, and admiraltie
brief, and some accompts and papers in a case all which were taken from
him by the Commander of the Speaker in the downes, and hee this deponent on;y
kept and hath some few notes of his lading, and saith there was
alsoe a Charter partie made for the said goods soe laden by the ffrench