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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 01/01/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot on 02/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=13/01/01
|Editorial history=Created 08/04/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 08/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1130923
|Transcription=1. two hydes not goeing when the rest of the sayd materialls and provisions went
2. they were But in an other shipps boate namely in the shipp the ''Consent'' her boate
3. after the shipp the ''John'', which then lay at Gravesend, but the ''John'' (as
4. this deponent hath heard) being departed thense before the ''Consents'' boate came thither
5. with the sayd two hydes, they were by that meanes not delivered a board the shipp the
6. John And hee saith the materialls and provisions Schedulate were at the tyme
7. of such their delivery to the sayd Wilkinson and his gunner and others sent to fetch
8. them really worth the severall summes in the sayd schedule specified And
9. soo much the like commodities were sold for to other persons by the
10. sayd Robert Russell The premisses hee deposeth being then and now the sayd
11. Russells apprentice and helpeing to deliver divers of the sayd provisions
12. and materialls to the sayd Wilkinson and his Gunner and others by him imployed to
13. fetch them And further to the sayd articles and schedule hee cannot depose
14. To the 5th hee saith that the hee beleeveth the sad Russell having by this deponents pre=
15. contest John Bly made application to the foresayd John Southwood to demande
16. satisfaction for the sayd materialls and provisions soe delivered the sayd Southwood
17. having (as the sayd Blye told this deponent) appointed him severall tymes to come
18. to receave the same and fayling and deferring to make payment) hath caused
19. the shipp John to bee arrested at Bristoll for the same, this hee beleeveth
20. for that hee carried the warrant for arresting the sayd shipp to the posthouse
21. to bee sent to Bristoll and further referring him selfe to the Registry of this
22. Court hee cannpt depose/
23. To the 6th hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd Russell for want of his money
24. aforesayd to use in his trade is damnified beside the principall to a
25. good value but what to estimate the dammage to bee knoweth not And
26. further cannot depose./
27. To the 7th hee saith he hath heard that the arlate hooke is an Alderman
28. of Bristoll and beleeveth hee and ˹all˺ the rest of the Owners of the John are
29. subiects of this Commonwealth and subiect to the authority of this
30. Court And further hee cannot depose./
31. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
34. To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth in this cause at the request
35. of the producent who to whome hee is an apprentice and saith hee favoureth all
36. the parties litigant in this cause alike and desyreth right may prevaile therein And
37. to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively
38. To the 2 hee saith hee sawe not any of the goods provisions and materialls
39. predeposed of delivered on board the John but did helpe to deliver them as is
40. predeposed to the sayd Wilkinson and his Gunner and others imployed to fetch them
41. who carried them from the sayd Russells shopp as aforesayd and for the particulers
42. of the goods hee referreth him selfe to the schedule before mentioned which
43. hee beleeveth to bee true (saving as aforesayd that the two hydes therein mentioned
44. were not as hee beleeveth delivered aboard the John by the meanes a bove specified)
45. And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/
46. To the 3 Interrogatorie hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard
47. anything to the effect Interrogate./
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 12:25, May 2, 2014

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Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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1. two hydes not goeing when the rest of the sayd materialls and provisions went
2. they were But in an other shipps boate namely in the shipp the Consent her boate
3. after the shipp the John, which then lay at Gravesend, but the John (as
4. this deponent hath heard) being departed thense before the Consents boate came thither
5. with the sayd two hydes, they were by that meanes not delivered a board the shipp the
6. John And hee saith the materialls and provisions Schedulate were at the tyme
7. of such their delivery to the sayd Wilkinson and his gunner and others sent to fetch
8. them really worth the severall summes in the sayd schedule specified And
9. soo much the like commodities were sold for to other persons by the
10. sayd Robert Russell The premisses hee deposeth being then and now the sayd
11. Russells apprentice and helpeing to deliver divers of the sayd provisions
12. and materialls to the sayd Wilkinson and his Gunner and others by him imployed to
13. fetch them And further to the sayd articles and schedule hee cannot depose

14. To the 5th hee saith that the hee beleeveth the sad Russell having by this deponents pre=
15. contest John Bly made application to the foresayd John Southwood to demande
16. satisfaction for the sayd materialls and provisions soe delivered the sayd Southwood
17. having (as the sayd Blye told this deponent) appointed him severall tymes to come
18. to receave the same and fayling and deferring to make payment) hath caused
19. the shipp John to bee arrested at Bristoll for the same, this hee beleeveth
20. for that hee carried the warrant for arresting the sayd shipp to the posthouse
21. to bee sent to Bristoll and further referring him selfe to the Registry of this
22. Court hee cannpt depose/

23. To the 6th hee saith hee beleeveth the sayd Russell for want of his money
24. aforesayd to use in his trade is damnified beside the principall to a
25. good value but what to estimate the dammage to bee knoweth not And
26. further cannot depose./

27. To the 7th hee saith he hath heard that the arlate hooke is an Alderman
28. of Bristoll and beleeveth hee and ˹all˺ the rest of the Owners of the John are
29. subiects of this Commonwealth and subiect to the authority of this
30. Court And further hee cannot depose./

31. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true

To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]

34. To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth in this cause at the request
35. of the producent who to whome hee is an apprentice and saith hee favoureth all
36. the parties litigant in this cause alike and desyreth right may prevaile therein And
37. to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively

38. To the 2 hee saith hee sawe not any of the goods provisions and materialls
39. predeposed of delivered on board the John but did helpe to deliver them as is
40. predeposed to the sayd Wilkinson and his Gunner and others imployed to fetch them
41. who carried them from the sayd Russells shopp as aforesayd and for the particulers
42. of the goods hee referreth him selfe to the schedule before mentioned which
43. hee beleeveth to bee true (saving as aforesayd that the two hydes therein mentioned
44. were not as hee beleeveth delivered aboard the John by the meanes a bove specified)
45. And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

46. To the 3 Interrogatorie hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard
47. anything to the effect Interrogate./


Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner