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|Status=First cut transcription started on 03/04/13 and completed on 04/04/13 by Colin Greenstreet; pasted into wikispot and edited on 07/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=13/04/04
|Editorial history=Created 09/04/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 09/04/14, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140166
|Transcription=get with much labour at two pumpes to keepe her from sinkeing)
told this deponent that hee heard the Company of the ''Providence''
saye that for halfe an howers tyme after the sayd
disaster happened they looked continually when they should
see the ''Samuell'' sinke, And saith that the ''Samuell'' by the meanes
aforesayd was very much damnified but to what value hee
cannot depose for that her ladeing of Coales is not yet out of her
and a view not taken of her hurt receaved, And further to thes articles
hee cannot depose/
To the 3 article hee saith that hee observed that after the dammage
done as aforesayd the sayd shipp ''Providence'' did make towards Whitby
which was about five leagues further off than Scarborough was, [?when GUTTER]
as shee might with more ease and safety have gained Scarborough
and might have gotten to Scarborough twoe or three howers before
the ''Samuell'' came thither, And saith hee heard the sayd passenger
after hee came on board the ''Samuell'' againe as aforesayd, saye
that the Company of the ''Providence'' lookeing still when the ''Samuell''
would sinke, did in the meane tyme neglect to [?trye] their owne
pumpe, but afterwards [try]eing the same, found that shee had alsoe
receaved some harme by the meanes aforesayd, and thereupon, night
draweing in, the ''Providence'' and her Company came a shoare in
a place called Robin hoods bay (being a place about the midd
way betwixt Scarborough and Whitby) and there bilged her upon a
Rock and thereby much preiudiced her, for hee heard the sayd
passenger and alsoe a Carpenter who went from Scarborough
to [?buy] the ''Providence'' after she was bilged, saye, that if shee
had not bilged upon the Rock shee had not receaved the worth
of five shillings dammage in her hull And further to this
article hee cannot depose./
To the 4th and 5th hee saith that while the ''Samuell'' remayned at
Scarborough hee this deponent sawe the sayles masts
yards Anchors and Cables and boate of the ''Providence''
brought to Scarborowe they being saved, and hath heard
divers of the Inhabitants of Scarborough saye that the
[?gammes] of the sayd shipp ''Providence'' were alsoe saved, and
that the sayd Otter sold the hull of the sayd shipp for fifteene
pounds five shillings sterling, and that the sayd Otter, was
offered twelve pence a horse load for all her ladeing
of Coales but refused to take it saying that hee would
have for them according as the markett price was at
Whitby And saith that for the reasons before declared
hee is verily perswaded in his conscience that had the sayd
Otter carried his sayd shipp and ladeing into Scarborough
as hee might easily have done, and as the sayd Lee did the
''Samuell'', hee might have saved his sayd shipp ''Providence'' and
ladeing with very smale losse And what losse happened to
the ''Providence'' and her ladeing hee well knoweth happened
not by any default of the sayd Lee or any of his Company
but in this deponents Judgment happened thereto through the
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 03:56, May 7, 2014


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get with much labour at two pumpes to keepe her from sinkeing)
told this deponent that hee heard the Company of the Providence
saye that for halfe an howers tyme after the sayd
disaster happened they looked continually when they should
see the Samuell sinke, And saith that the Samuell by the meanes
aforesayd was very much damnified but to what value hee
cannot depose for that her ladeing of Coales is not yet out of her
and a view not taken of her hurt receaved, And further to thes articles
hee cannot depose/

To the 3 article hee saith that hee observed that after the dammage
done as aforesayd the sayd shipp Providence did make towards Whitby
which was about five leagues further off than Scarborough was, [?when GUTTER]
as shee might with more ease and safety have gained Scarborough
and might have gotten to Scarborough twoe or three howers before
the Samuell came thither, And saith hee heard the sayd passenger
after hee came on board the Samuell againe as aforesayd, saye
that the Company of the Providence lookeing still when the Samuell
would sinke, did in the meane tyme neglect to [?trye] their owne
pumpe, but afterwards [try]eing the same, found that shee had alsoe
receaved some harme by the meanes aforesayd, and thereupon, night
draweing in, the Providence and her Company came a shoare in
a place called Robin hoods bay (being a place about the midd
way betwixt Scarborough and Whitby) and there bilged her upon a
Rock and thereby much preiudiced her, for hee heard the sayd
passenger and alsoe a Carpenter who went from Scarborough
to [?buy] the Providence after she was bilged, saye, that if shee
had not bilged upon the Rock shee had not receaved the worth
of five shillings dammage in her hull And further to this
article hee cannot depose./

To the 4th and 5th hee saith that while the Samuell remayned at
Scarborough hee this deponent sawe the sayles masts
yards Anchors and Cables and boate of the Providence
brought to Scarborowe they being saved, and hath heard
divers of the Inhabitants of Scarborough saye that the
[?gammes] of the sayd shipp Providence were alsoe saved, and
that the sayd Otter sold the hull of the sayd shipp for fifteene
pounds five shillings sterling, and that the sayd Otter, was
offered twelve pence a horse load for all her ladeing
of Coales but refused to take it saying that hee would
have for them according as the markett price was at
Whitby And saith that for the reasons before declared
hee is verily perswaded in his conscience that had the sayd
Otter carried his sayd shipp and ladeing into Scarborough
as hee might easily have done, and as the sayd Lee did the
Samuell, hee might have saved his sayd shipp Providence and
ladeing with very smale losse And what losse happened to
the Providence and her ladeing hee well knoweth happened
not by any default of the sayd Lee or any of his Company
but in this deponents Judgment happened thereto through the

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HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner