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Samuell Sowton and Thomas Cutler were two young merchants living in Stockholm in the early 1660s and acting as correspondents for Sir William Ryder and Thomas' father, William Cutler.  A bill of complaint is brought in Chancery by Sowton against Thomas Cutler, alleging that Thomas owes Sowton considerable sums of money.  Thomas Cutler had returned to England in 1665, leaving Sowton in Stockholm.  Before Thomas' departure, Thomas was allegedly already considerably in debt to Sowton, which he agreed to satisfy either by bills of exchange or by goods to be shipped to Sowton by Thomas Cutler from London.  Furthermore, they agreed to trade in joint partnership after Thomas Cutler's return to England.
Samuell Sowton and Thomas Cutler were two young merchants living in Stockholm in the early 1660s and acting as correspondents for Sir William Ryder and Thomas' father, William Cutler.  A bill of complaint was brought in Chancery by Sowton against Thomas Cutler, alleging that Thomas owes Sowton considerable sums of money.  Thomas Cutler had returned to England in 1665, leaving Sowton in Stockholm.  Before Thomas' departure, Thomas was allegedly already considerably in debt to Sowton, which he agreed to satisfy either by bills of exchange or by goods to be shipped to Sowton by Thomas Cutler from London.  Furthermore, they agreed to trade in joint partnership after Thomas Cutler's return to England.

Revision as of 08:29, November 3, 2011

C5/53/78 f. 1


Samuell Sowton and Thomas Cutler were two young merchants living in Stockholm in the early 1660s and acting as correspondents for Sir William Ryder and Thomas' father, William Cutler. A bill of complaint was brought in Chancery by Sowton against Thomas Cutler, alleging that Thomas owes Sowton considerable sums of money. Thomas Cutler had returned to England in 1665, leaving Sowton in Stockholm. Before Thomas' departure, Thomas was allegedly already considerably in debt to Sowton, which he agreed to satisfy either by bills of exchange or by goods to be shipped to Sowton by Thomas Cutler from London. Furthermore, they agreed to trade in joint partnership after Thomas Cutler's return to England.


//To the Right Honourable S:r Orlando Bridgman Kn:t and Barronet//
//Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England//

//Humbly Complayning sheweth unto yo:r goord Lordshipp yo:r dayly Orato:r Samuell Sowton of the Citty of London Merchant that in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and four one Thomas Cutler also Marchant and yo:r Orato:r were at Stockholme in the Kingdome//

//of Sweeden upn Comission of S:r William Rider Knight and William Cutler And the said Thomas Cutler and yo:r Orato:r did pay sevrall summes of money each for other so that in the Month of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty five he the said Thomas//

//Cutler was indebted to yo:r Orator for moneys paid for him by yo:r Orat:r in Sweeden in the summe of seaventeene thousand nine hundred seaventy five Sweed Dollars or thereabouts which amount to eight hundred fifty five pounds nineteene shillings sterling money as by the books of accompt//

//kept by yo:r Orato:r and the said Thomas Cutler if pduced to this hon:ble Court would plainly appeare And yo:r Oarto:r further sheweth that the said Thomas Cutler about the Month of Decemb:r in the said year one thousand six hundred sixty five departed from Stockholm and//

//XXXXX for the port of London but before such his Departure did desire that yo:r Orato:r and hee the said Thomas Cutler might trade together and hold Correspondence with other and that hee and yo:r Orato:r might be equally concerned in proffit and losse of alll goods which yo:r

//Orato:r should ship from Stockholme aforesaid and consigne to him the said Thomas Cutler and that yo:r Orato:r might be equally concerned with him the said Thomas Cutler in all goods which he the said Thomas should shipp from London & consigne to yo:r Orato:r whereunto

//yo:r Orato:r and the said Thomas Cutler did agree and alsoe to pay the one moiety of all such money as should be paid for such goods And he the said Thomas Cutler both before & after he came to England from Sweeden XXX XXXX did p:rmise to satisfy and pay yo:r Orato:r the said//

//seaventeene thousand nine hundred seaventy five dollars either by goods which he intended as he alleadged to consigne to yo:r Orato:r from London or else by payment of bills of exchange in fforeigne parts which he would order yo:r Orato:r to Draw upon some pson or//

//psons which should accept and pay the same And yo:r Orato:r further sheweth That the said Thomas Cutler before he came from Stockholme aforesaid was indebted to severall psons there and ordered y:e Orato:r to pay and satisfy the same and to manage & defend//

//such suites as should be brought in Stockholme aforesaid for money from him the said Thomas Cutler or whatever might concerne his pticuler and p:rmissed to reimburse the charges of such suites to yo:r Orato:r and to satisfy yo:r Orato:r for his trouble//

//and paines therein and did faithfully pmise to remitt yo:r Orato.r such money as yo:r Orato:r should XXX lay out for him the said Thomas Cutler by bills of Exchange or otherwise And the said Thomas Cutler afterwards to witt about the Month of ffebruary//

//in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and ??five aforesaid arrived at the port of London And being before concerned with yo:r Orato:r in a great pcell of Tobacco in the sound in parts beyond the seas which yo:r Orato:r paid for and managed for the said ioynt account//

//of the said Thomas Cutler and yo:r Orato:r he the said Thomas Cutler pmissed to pay the moiety of the moneys paid by yo:r Orato:r for the same the moiety whereof amounted to eight thousand six hundred eighty six Sweede Dollars & halfe a Dollar or thereabouts And being also then//

//concerned XXXX XXX XXXX in apcell of Iron ?soutas as an adventure in a certaine shipp called the half moone to Portsmouth and paid for by yo:r Orato:r he the said Thomas Cutler promised to pay yo:r Orato:r a moiety or else one third part of the moneys paid for the same the ?moeity of which//

//moneys came to eight thousand Dollars or thereabouts which sevrall summes doe amount to the summe of one thousand six hundres & fifty pounds eleven shillings sterling money which said money the saidThomas Cutler promised to satisfy and pay yo:r Orato:r by bills of//

//Exchange that yo:r Oratour should draw And yo:r Orato:r further sheweth that giving creditt to the fair speeches and ?spatious p:rtences which the said Thomas Cutler made to yo:r Orato:r he yo:r Orato:r did lay out and disburse for him the said Thomas Cutler divers//

//other great summes of money

//yo:r Orato:r being in Stockholme

//But so it is may it please yo:r good Lopp that

//yo:r Orato:r such moneys as yo:r Orato:r

//the utter ruine of yo:r Orato:r he being in a strange country

//thousand pounds or some such like summe

//said Thomas Cutler did send and consign

//allthough he had sufficient of yo:r Orato:rs money

//of his brother Nicholas Cutler whereas

//repaid by the said Thomas Cutler

//Orato:r And refused to gie yo:r Orato:r any account

//And he the said Thomas Cutler


