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HCA 13/71 f.283v Annotate
First transcribed 6 October 2012  +
First transcriber Will Kellett  +
Folio 283  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 06/10/2012  +
Transcription in a place called Robbin hoods bay about fin a place called Robbin hoods bay about five myles from Scarborough<br /> where shee bilged upon a Rock and further to this article hee cannot<br /> depose./ To the 4th hee saith that notwithanding the sayd the sayd Otters shipp came to<br /> the sayd disaster, yet the sayd Otter saved all her masts sayles yards<br /> Anchor Cables and boate this hee knoweth for that during the tyme the<br /> shipp ''Samuell'' and her Company remayned at Scarborough hee sawe them<br /> brought thither in a five man Coble or fisherboate, And saith hee hath<br /> Credibly heard that the sayd Otter alsoe saved his lading of Coles and<br /> sold them at Robin hoods bay and alsoe the hull of his sayd shipp, but for<br /> how much hee sold them hee knoweth not nor hath heard, And further<br /> hee cannot depose./ To the 5th hee saith that if the sayd Otter had carried his sayd<br /> shipp to Scarborough, as the sayd Lee did the ''Samuell'', (which hee<br /> might very well have done if hee had pleased) hee had in all<br /> probabilily and likelyhood saved both her and her la goods and gotten her<br /> repayred of such such hurt as shee did her selfe by falling fowle of<br /> the ''Samuell'' for a smale charge, soe that what dammage happened<br /> to the sayd Otters shipp and lading (as is evident by what hee this<br /> deponent hath of his owne sight and knowledge deposed for truth) happened<br /> meerely by the carelessenesse or willfullnesse of the sayd Otter and<br /> Company and not through any default of the sayd Lee and<br /> Company And further hee cannot depose/ To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./ Repeated before Doctor Godolphin. The marke of the sayd<br /> Edward '''X''' Purdy [MARKE, RH SIDE] ************************** The same day [CENTRE HEADING] Examined upon the sayd allegation/ '''Rp. 3''' '''Andrew Page''' of South Shields in the County of Durham<br /> Chirurgion aged forty yeares or thereabouts a wittness<br /> sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that<br /> in the moneth of September last 1656 the arlate William Lee with his<br /> shipp the ''Samuell'' came in Company of the arlate Otter and his shipp<br /> whereof hee the sayd Otter was master from New Castle wards, and being<br /> come togeather to the Northward of Scarborowe Castle and the winds proveing<br /> then contrarie videlicet being at South, and both shipps plyeing to the winde [?with GUTTER]<br /> the ''Samuell'' standing off, and the sayd Otters shipp standing in, the<br /> sayd Otter called and waved to the Company of the ''Samuell'' to goe to<br /> the Leeward And the sayd Lee the Master of the ''Samuell'' thereupon [?Called GUTTER]<br /> him who was at the helme of the ''Samuell'' presently to put the same a weather, and caused<br /> his company to cast of the mayne sheate and mayne brace of his mayne [?XX GUTTER]<br /> and his mayne bowling, and mayne top sayle bowling and brace in the weather [?XX GUTTER]<br /> off his mayne yarde and brayle up the mizen sayle and hee and Company of the<br /> ''Samuell'' did use all possible dilligence to gett cleere of the sayd Otters<br /> Shippleere of the sayd Otters<br /> Shipp  +
Transcription image [[File:P1130726.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/P1130726.JPG|[[:HCA 13/71|HCA 13/71]] f.283v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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