MRP: Sir Samuel Mico will

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Sir Samuel Mico will

PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Sir Samuel Mico, Mercer of London 24 May 1666 (See also PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138Sentence of Samuel Mico or Micoe of Saint Andrew Undershaft, City of London 05 July 1666

Editorial history

01/12/11: Created page & posted completed transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

See Aaron Mico will
See [[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27'|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27']]


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN THE Twenty fift day of September One thousand six hundred sixty five I Samuel Mico Citizen and Mercer of London being sound in body and mind God be praysed) doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

FFIRST I Commend my soule into the hands of God my maker hoping assuredly through the only merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made partaken of life everlasting, And I comend my body to the earth to be buryed at the discrecion of my Executor hereafter menconed

To Jane my wife over and above her due according to the Custome of London I give all my householdstuffe Plate and Jewells To my kinsman Edward Mico I give One thousand pounds lawfull money of England to be payd him when he hath a final discharge from all his Creditors of all that he owed them To my Nephew Nathaniell ?Withers I give twenty shillings of like money To Alice ?Barrett my Aunt I give Tenn pounds yearly to her daughter Lucy five pound yearly, And to Sarah Barnard my Aunt I give ten pound yearly during their natural lives to be payd the quarterly after my decease To Thomas Barnard my Kinsman sonne to the said Sarah Barnard I give twenty pounds To my Kinsman Robert Stone I give ten pounds, and to John Stone his sonne my servant five hundred pounds, To ffrancis Stone Ten pounds, To Nicholas Stone his Brother five pound. To Margarett ffooke (?) their sister five pound, to ffrances Conyard (?) their sister five pounds, To Mary Winter their sister five pound, To Bridgett Stone their sister five pound, And to Anne Rosier (?) their sister now a servant in my house two him (sic) xxxx pound To my Cosen Thomas Allen of Dorchester I give Tenn pounds To my sister Dashwood of Dorchester five pound To my sister Russell of Weymouth or Melcombe Regis five pounds, To my kinsman William Hawkes now in my house I give One hundred pounds To my Brother Peter Robinson of Cheshunt I give ffifty pounds, To my Brother William Robinson of Cheshunt ffifty pounds, And Winifride his wife Tenn pounds To their Daughters Mary and Elizabeth Tenn pound a peece And to their Daughter Jane my wives God daughter twenty pounds To Andrew Barker Esquire my Brother in Law I give fifty pounds, To Elizabeth his wife twenty pound, To their sonne Samuel Barker my Godsonne One hundred pound To their daughter Elizabeth Barker Tenn pounds, And to their daughter Mary Tenn pound , To my Cousen Thomas Barrow I give Tenn pound To Anne his wife five pound, To my Cousen Stephen  ?Fearne five pound, and to Katherine his wife five pound, To my Cousen William Stratford Tenn pound, To my Cousen John Hawkins five pound, To John Mordant now in my [seems to be a missing word in orginal copy] I give fifty pound, To Bernard Michell my Apprentice I give fifty pound, To my other servants not herein menconed that are my servants at the tyme of my death I give forty shillings a peece To M:r George Baker CHECK SPELLof Billingsgate at Greenwich I give tenn pound To the Towne of Melcome Regis in the County of Dorset I give my house standing on the East side of the Key of that Towne called the George Taverne or Inne with the yarde or any other grounds thereunto belonging with the profitt thereof to putt out three poore Children Apprentices yearly To the Corporacon of Weymouth and Melcome Regis in the County of Dorsett I give ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be layd out in land, the profitts whereof to be bestowed Twenty shillings yearly or some good summe that they shall yearly choose when he hath preached a sermon in the Church of Melcombe aforesaid on the ffryday immediatly before Palme Sunday every yeare, The rest to bee payd that day to Tenn poore decayed seamen of that Corporacon of the age of Threescore yeares or upwards in equall proporcons or soe many of them within that number that are soe qualified who are


soe qualifyed who are to be at the hearing of that sermon as soe many of them as are able Moreover I give to the the President and Governor of Christs Hospitalll in London ffive hundred pounds to be layd out in land to the benefitt yearly of the poore Children of that hospitall, To the Company of Mercers in London whereof I am a member I give five hundred pounds to be lent five young men of that Company One hundred pounds to each for three yeares gratis on good security to the liking of the Assistants of that Company, and soe to other five young men every Three years successively gratis on the like security And I give to the poore of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft where I am an Inhabitant ffifty pound to be disposed of as the Minister Churchwardens and those of the Vestry shall thinke fitt, Alsoe I give to Nathaniell Wythers senior My Brother in Law Twenty shillings, And to Richard Mico son to John Mico of Crowscombe in the County of Somersett I give Two hundred pounds

The remaynder of my Estate I give to my Kinsman Samuell Mico sonne also to the said John Mico to be disposed of by my Executor for his use and benefitt, as they shall think fitt untill he be of age and can give them a right discharge in Law, And of this my last Will and Testament, I make and ordaine Jane my wife, my Brother in Law Andrew Barker of ffairford in the County of Gloucester and William Robinson of Cheshunt aforesaid to be my Executors, And desire the aforesaid ?S:r John Mordant John Stone Bernard Michell and William Hawkes to be assistant to them in the Recovering in of my Estate And doe revoke and adnull any other former will

IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto, and to two more of the same tenor and date being all written with my owne hand subscribed my name and affixed my seale the day and yeare above written in the presence of the witnesses hereafter mentioned, the one accomplished the other to be voyd and of none effect:


Signed sealed and published in the presence of


PROBATUM fuit huismodi Testamentum suprascriptum Apud London coram honorabili vivo Thomas Read legum Doctore Surrogate venerabilis et egregij vivi domini Guilielem Merrick militis legum etiam Doctoris Curiae Prerogative XXXX XXXX Magistri Custodis XXX Commisarij etxxx Constituti Viresimo quarto die Mensis May Anno due Millesimo sex centesimo sexagessimo sexto Juramentis XXX Jana Mico Relicta defuncti et William Robinson Duoxxx Executori in dicto Testamento nominatorum Quibus Commissa fuit Administrato omni et singXXXX bono XXXX et creditor XXX defuncti de bone et fideter administrando eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia in debita Juris forma Hurat Reservatta XX Executori in XXX Testamento XXXX mommat cum venerit XXXX XXXX in debita Juris forma: admisser
