MRP: Civility and politeness

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Civility and politeness


Bryson, Anna, From Courtesy to Civility. Changing Codes of Conduct in Early Modern England (Oxford, 1998)
Burke, Peter, ‘A Civil Tongue: Language and Politeness in Early Modern Europe’, and J. Barry, ‘Civility and Civic Culture in Early Modern England: the Meanings of Urban Freedom’, both in Burke, Brian
Carter, Philip, Men and the Emergence of Polite Society, Britain 1660-1800 (2001)
Harrison and P. Slack (eds.), Civil Histories. Essays Presented to Sir Keith Thomas (Oxford 2000)

Coffee Houses & manners

- Cowan, Brian, ‘Mr Spectator and the Coffee House Public Sphere’, Eighteenth Century Studies 37 (2004), 345-366
- Cowan, Brian, “The Rise of the Coffeehouse Reconsidered,” Historical Journal, 47:1 (2004): 21-46 (pre-publication copy online)
Cowan, Brian, The social life of coffee: Curiosity, commerce and civil society in Early Modern Britain (New Haven and London, XXXX)
- Cowan, Brian, What was masculine about the public sphere? Gender and the coffeehouse milieu in post-restoration England, History Workshop Journal 51 (February 2001): 127-57
Klein, Lawrence, 'Coffee-house Civility, 1660-1714: An Aspect of Post-Courtly Culture in England,' Huntington Library Quarterly, 59 (1997), 30-51