MRP: 21st September 1663, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO

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21st September 1663, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO

BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX, ff. ?

Editorial history

18/12/11, CSG: Page created

Abstract & context

Sir Abraham Shipman wrote to Sir George Oxenden in a letter dated September 21st, 1663.

In the letter Shipman reported the death of his brother and many officers and men. He was pessimistic about the island of Angedeiva, reporting that it offered poor protection against the westerly monsoon, and that the King on the mainland prevents his people from bringing food and trade goods to the island.

He reported that the Kings of ffettipore and Scinda had allied and intended to capture some castles., including Onore, and that if they were to capture Onore they will give it to Shipman. Shipman suggested that in the absence of a firm commitment of the King of Portugal to give up Bombay to Oxenden then Onore is a bird in the hand.

Shipman had hired some Portuguese to make up his numbers.

He further reported that the Dutch were engrossing all the trade on this coast, with Oxenden possessing only Carwar, and that with considerable uncertainty. He requested that Oxenden send him volunteers of different nationalities, but had no need for Portuguese, who could be hired locally.

He notesd Oxenden’s news of King Charles II giving up Dunkirk, and stated that Dunkirk was too expensive to maintain, and unnecessary militarily.

Shipman concluded by saying that the castle of Onore was large, but out of repair, and would require many men.

Suggested links

See 20th December 1662, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO
See 29th November 1663, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO, Angdeeva

See Sir Abraham Shipman will

To do

(1) Transcribe this letter


Septemb:e y:e 21:th (sic) 1663:

As an addendum "My service to M:r Goodyer, M:r Gray, & to yo:e house Doctor"

"...S:r if y:t you have any men about Surratt y:t want Imploym:t bee they ffrench, Dutch, English, Jermans, Danes or other Christians; Except Portugalls, I pray send them to mee by y:e shipps y:t come to this Coast for pxxxx; Portugalls there is enough to bee had at Onore:e,[1] who live there & soo will bee had upon y.e easier tearmes.


  1. The city of Onore or Honnavar is a port city in the modern district of Uttara Kannada in Karnataka, on the south west coast of India. It lay roughly halfway between Bombay and Calicutt. Coordinates: 14°16′48″N 74°26′38″E