HCA 13/76 f.43v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/76 f.43v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
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HCA 13/76 f.43v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




20th de Octobris 1666/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Super Allegatione pred Examiniat./


Garret Johnson de Allicant in Regne Hispania
Nauta annos agens 37 aut circiter dicit et deponit
prout sequitur./

Ad primum et 2um arlos dra Allegationis deponit et dicit That hee well knoweth
the arlate ship Jesus Maria Joseph Saint Andrew Captaine John Baptisto [?GalXXX]
Commander and hath soe done ever since the 25th of June
last new stile at which time this deponent came on board her at Alicant to goe
one of her steeresmen from thence directly to Hamborowe, and thence back againe to
Allicant and their hee was to be freed, and saith that hee was hired for the
said voyage by two Merchants called The Sollicofers who live at
Allicant who at their hiring told this deponent that the ship was free and the
Goods were free, and the place hee was to goe was free this deponent
refusing otherwise to goe in the said ship, And saith that before this
deponents coming onboard the said ship shee was fully laden with wine and raisins and other merchandises and came as
was sayd from Gandia and Sabia and saith that hee cannot set down the
particulars of the said lading, but saith that as hee allwayes understood and as hee
verily beleeveth the sayd Lading was and is upon the account of a free company
called the Sollicoffers, and saith that hee is very sure that the said ship was
to carry the said Lading directly to Hamborowe and that the said Lading was
to be delivered there to John Scothering reputed to be a Lord of the
Towne of Hamborowe And further saith that from Allicant the said ship went
to Malaga because the Hamborowe Convoy lay there, with whom the said Sollicoffers
ordered the said Captaine to keepe company to
Hamborowe, and saith that nothing was taken in at Mallaga, saving
that hee this deponent tooke in two pipes of Mallega wine for his owne account
and the Captaine two pipes on his account and the other steirsman Henry [?GXXXXX] who was [?taken ?on]
at Mallega tookke in two more pipes, the [?other] Company one pipe, Et alr

Ad 3um nescit pro parte sua.

Ad 4um refert se ad [?Regrum] [?cujus] Curia et alr nescit
saving that hee hath seene severall things in the said ship of her cargoe
marked with such a marke as is arlate./

Ad 5um deponit That hee is well assured that the said ship was to have gone
directly with her said lading to Hamborowe and there that shee was to deliver the same [?as]
aforesaid and hee was hired to goe directly thither to returne from thence
directly to Allicant, And saith that hee is well assured that the said Captaine
would not have gone for Holland or any unfree place for much more than
he was to have had for his freight and this deponent for his part would not have [?gone]
for any unfree place for ten times his wages, et alr nescit./.