
From MarineLives
Revision as of 06:23, July 26, 2016 by ColinGreenstreet (Talk | contribs) (Sandbox 9)

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The category Sandbox contains all pages named Sandbox, and Sandbox with with number suffixes.

They are for experimentation and to display useful wiki markup and useful semantic queries.


Sandbox 1

Sandbox 2

Sandbox 3

Sandbox 4

Sandbox 5

Sandbox 6

Sandbox 7

Information about semantic "administrative" queries
- Total number of queries
- Total number of pages containing queries
- Number of queries using format "count"
- Number of pages using queries that use the format "list"
- Number of pages using queries that use the format "ul"
- Number of pages using queries that use the format "table"
- The 10 largest queries used on the wiki with their size and duration
- The 10 largest queries used on the wiki with their size and query string

Sandbox 8

- Items in category located in a Property

Pages in category ‘Sandbox’

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.