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HCA 13/73 f.471v Annotate
First transcribed 18 June 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 471  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/06/2014  +
Transcription Groine and that the said shipp was bound wGroine and that the said shipp was bound with them for Ostend,<br /> And further deposeth not, saving as aforesaid and what followeth. To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that the said Captaine<br /> Parker when hee delivered the papers to this deponent and his said<br /> contest acquainted them that they were brought and taken in<br /> the said shipp the ''lyon'' and the said Baggaert alsoe delivered [XXX GUTTER]<br /> [XXX] under them) and they both then and there affirmed and [?assured GUTTER]<br /> that they were the papers and evidences of the said shipp which<br /> were soe brought in her, and having soe received<br /> them this deponent and his said contest deliverd them to the [?said GITTER]<br /> Major and the towne clarke of Portsmouth who after examination of [?them XXXX] sealed them up<br /> with a certificate inder the hand and seale of the said major together [?with GUTTER]<br /> the said examinations, and then delivered them soe sealed up to<br /> Samuell Williams clarke of the<br /> prize office there, to be sent up to the Commissioners for prize goods<br /> at London, who sent them accordingly by the post on the fourteenth<br /> of the said moneth of may, which hee knoweth being present and<br /> acquainted with the said transactions and having [?lately] perused<br /> his notes for the times and passages of and in the said busines. And<br /> for the truth of the said sending up of the said papers, this deponent<br /> and his said contest made an affidavit before the Major of<br /> Portsmouth, which was in November last sent up to this Court<br /> And further deposeth not, savimg that having now seene the papers<br /> which are brought into this Court as comming from<br /> Portsmouth, hee saith hee verily beleeveth them to be the same<br /> papers without diminution, addition, or alteration that were<br /> soe delivered and sent as aforesaid./ To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that at such time as the<br /> said Baggaert and others aforesaid were examined at Portsmouth<br /> all and every the said papers that were as aforesaid sent up [?sealed GUTTER]<br /> to the Commissioners for prize goods at London, where sh[?ewed] to the<br /> said Baggaert and the said others that were examined, and<br /> the said papers were then by the said Baggaert owned and<br /> acknowledged to come out of and to belong to the said shipp<br /> in the presence and hearing of this deponent, and in the presence<br /> of his said contest. And further deposeth not. To the sixth hee cannot depose. To the seventh hee saith that for the [XXXX] arlate there hath bin [XXXX XXX]<br /> hostilitie betweene England and Spaine, and reprizalls have<br /> bin and are granted against the king of Spaine and his<br /> subiects, and therefore hee beleeveth that the said shipp and all the<br /> goods that were in her were and are lawfull and good prizes to th[?ixs GUTTER]<br /> Commonwealth and confiscable to the keepers of the libertie of<br /> England by authoritie of Parliament, And further deposeth not To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true. ff. Holt [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]on is true. ff. Holt [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0153_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0153_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.471v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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