Interria ministrat et ministrand ex parte … Interria ministrat et ministrand ex parte et per partem Illustris<br />
sini principis Jacobi DXXX Eboras et Albanne xr Dm : mag in<br />
Admiralli Angli testis, quibustung, ex parte et per partem<br />
MXXthatlis dreist, Samuelis Poplot et seriord quoad Navem the<br />
''Nativity'', of Johis Eastman et al pro bonis in eadem seizit pro<br />
durt, sen producend sequirit.
1. Let every wittnesse bee asked whether hee was in the shippe<br />
the ''Nativity'' when shee began her last voyage and from<br />
What port was shee sett out when she was bound for Oporto Port<br />
and what Lading did shee carry thither and to whence was itt<br />
Delivered, And howe long hath the said wittnesse belonged to<br />
The said shippe, and what Office had hee in her, Ad interr<br />
Con:m et dX:m ar de quolibet
2. I :m interrr, Whether was hee in the shippe, when shee was seized<br />
(as is prtended) by one Captaine ?Colarte, and was hee alsoe in the said<br />
Shippe, when shee was stayed neere ffalmouth, or howe long<br />
Since, and att or neere what place did hee leave the said shippe<br />
And lett him declare upon his Oath when and whenre hee last sawe<br />
The said shippe and howe hee doth knowe her to bee the same<br />
That belonged (as is pretended) to Michael ?Alweist, Samuel RXXXX<br />
And Company, And lett itt bee done as above.
3. Lett him bee asked, whether hee the said witnesse had any parte<br />
Or share in the said shippe the ''Nativity'' or in any part of the<br />
Goods or lading, and whether Michael Dweist a witnesse pro<br />
duced in this Cause bee the same partie where in this Cause<br />
is a Clayment of parte of the shippe Et fiat ut sup:r
4. Itmm: interr. When had the Claymers or the wittnesse first<br />
Notice that the shippe ''Nativity'' was stayed neere ffalmouth<br />
Howe long time was there betweene the seizure made by Colarte<br />
And the saty of the said shippe made neere ffalmouth and<br />
Whether in that time, was nott the said shippe used and imploy<br />
ed as a shippe of Warre by those that had her then in possession<br />
And whether one Michell and his Company did nott with the<br />
Said shippe Nativity take and seize some other shippes and<br />
Goods, and XXXX many shippes and what sorts or quantities of<br />
Goods Et fiat at sup:X
5. Itmm: interr. Howe sooth hee knowe that the said Michael<br />
Dweist and the other Clayments are Owners of the said shippe<br />
Did they build itt, or buy itt, When and where was itt bought<br />
and paid for, Is the wittnesse in the cause a witnesse to the<br />
Bill of sale made of the said shippe or was p:rsent att the<br />
Buying, or howe else doth hee knowe the Propreto:rs. Ex parte<br />
His Reason. Et fiat ut suprae<br />
His Reason. Et fiat ut supra +