The eighth of June 1659.
'''White Dove''' … The eighth of June 1659.
'''White Dove'''}
'''Frederick Ixem''' of London Notary publique sworne before the right worshipfull<br />
John Godolphin doctor of lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court of the<br />
Admiraltie of England saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath That<br />
the Instrument of Attestation under the seale<br />
of the Majoralitie of Bristol now brought and showed by him and being<br />
word for word of the tenor following videlicet To all people to whom this<br />
present writing shall come or that the same shall see heare of Read<br />
Greeting Wee the Major and Aldermen of the City of Bristoll doe hereby<br />
Certify and make knowne, That on the Day of the Date hereof before us<br />
personally came and Appeared John Peterson Reyer of Bristol Merchant<br />
And by his Corporall Oath before us taken did Depose, That hee is the<br />
Reall And sole Owner and Proprietor of the ship Called the ''White''<br />
''Dove'' of Bristoll of the Burthen of One hundred and Twenty Tonns<br />
or thereabouts, And that noe other person or persons whatsoever hath pr have<br />
therein or in the Appurtenance thereunto belonging any part share or interest<br />
But that hee the Deponent is the sole Owner thereof, and of her Appurtenances<br />
And Can therewith doe and thereof Dispose soe and according as hee shall thinke<br />
fit without rendring, or giveing account unto any person or persons whatsoever, for or<br />
Concerning the same In Testimony whereof wee the said Major and Aldermen<br />
of the said City of Bristoll have caused theise presents to be sealed withour seale<br />
of Majoralty and the same to bee subscribed by our Towne Clerke the fourth <br />
daye of June in the yeare of our Lord 1659:
:Walter Sandy Major<br />
Richard Vickerie [?X] Alderman
was yesterday sent unto this deponent by Philip Shipton of London merchant<br />
to the end that hee should enter it in this Court ad have an Exemplification<br />
thereof under the greate seale of the same
Frederick Ixem [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 8th of June 1659
The ''Love'' of London}
'''George Ixem''' servant to ffrederick<br />
Ixem of London Notary Pubblique<br />
aged 22 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne<br />
before the right worshipfull John Godolphin<br />
Doctor of Lawes - one of the Judges of the<br />
High Court of the Admiralty of England<br />
saith and deposeth by vertue of his oath
That the bill of sale now by him brought and being of the tenor word<br />
for word as followeth videlicet To all people to whom this presente<br />
writing shall come or that the same shall hear or Read I<br />
Gerrard Jansen Schuyde Mariner Master of the ship called the ''Love''<br />
of London of the Burthen of Fifty tonns or thereabouts, now Lying<br />
in the River of Thames sendeth Greeting Know yee that I Herrard<br />
Jansen Schuyde, for an in Consideration of the summe of Three hundred<br />
and five pounds of Lawfull money of England, to mee in hand at and<br />
before thensealing and deliverey hereof wel and truely paid by Thomas<br />
Corbit of London merchant the receipt whereof I doe by theise presents<br />
acknowledge and my selfe to be thereof and therewith fully satisfyed and payd<br />
Have granted bargained sold assigned and set over, and by these presents doe fully<br />
(and these presents doe fully<br />
(and +