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HCA 13/73 f.503v Annotate
First transcribed 1 June 2014  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 503  +
Parent volume HCA 13/73  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 01/06/2014  +
Transcription him but said they were a man of warr, ad hhim but said they were a man of warr, ad had power[?s GUTTER]<br /> by there Commission to visit every ship they could [XXXX GUTTER]<br /> but would not Declare whose Comission it was and hee asking for this [?Deponent GUTTER] and this<br /> Deponent still fearing the ''Alexander'' to be a Spanish man of<br /> warr or that her Captaine had a Comission from the<br /> king of Scotland shewed him. severall; Colourable<br /> Bills of Lading mentioning the said Lading to be for<br /> account of Cristopger [?Boz] an Irishman living at<br /> Amsterdam, and one Mr Ellis, and after the<br /> said mate had perused them, hee went on board the<br /> ''Alexander'' againe, and presently after hee came on<br /> board, some of the Company of the ''Alexander'' tooke<br /> downe her English Colours and hoysted up the Portugall<br /> Colours and under them fixed a whole broad side upon<br /> the ''Starr''; and her ketch which was with her, alsoe fixed some<br /> Gunns upon the ''Starr'', which said firing was done in a violent<br /> and hostile manner, and without any occasion given by<br /> this Deponent or Company and saith that the hull<br /> sailes and Rigging of the said ship ''Starr'' were thereby<br /> Damnified to the vallue of Twenty pounds or thereabouts<br /> and Imediately after the said ffiring this Deponent called<br /> out to the Company of the ''Alexander'' and asked them<br /> what their intention was. to which one of them made answer[?e GUTTER]<br /> that if this deponent would not come onboard they would<br /> sinke him, and soe this Deponent was forced to goe<br /> out of his ship, onboard the ''Alexander'', and upon his<br /> Comming the said Walcup or Warcup trhe Captaine<br /> of the ''Alexander'', told him that hee was as [XXX GUTTER]<br /> as a Prisoner of the King of Portugall might bee<br /> and this Deponent asking him what Power the King<br /> of Portugall had given him to take English Scotch or<br /> Irish, the said Captaine sayd Why Captaine you<br /> told mee you was of Amsterdam, and this Deponent then<br /> told him that hee said soe fearing him to be a Spanishe<br /> man of warr or one that had a Commission from the<br /> King of Spaine or King of Scots XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX<br /> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXX this XXX<br /> then earnestly desired him that hee might goe that night onboard<br /> his ship and fetch his bills of lading, Merchants Letters<br /> Charterparty which would [?verify] soe much and alsoe the Comission which the Major of Dublin<br /> gave this Deponent Declaring and certifying him to be a<br /> ffreeman and householder of Dublin in Ireland,<br /> And alsoe desired him to cleere this Deponent annd not hinder<br /> his voyage the wind being very good, but notwithstanding [?the GUTTER]<br /> (saidthstanding [?the GUTTER]<br /> (said  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_0219_copy.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_0219_copy.JPG|[[:HCA 13/73|HCA 13/73]] f.503v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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