and saith hee doth not beleeve any of them … and saith hee doth not beleeve any of them to be Spanish subiects [?XX ?XX]<br />
Spaniards, but all to be dutch men and Hollanders,<br />
and that such dutch men and Hollanders were to dispose of the {?said]<br />
goods, and that noe Spaniard was to sell or dispose of them. And further<br />
hee cannot answer.
To the twelveth
The 22th of November 1659. [ADD DATA]
Examined upon the foresaid allegation.
'''Abraham van Dentur''' of Amsterdam Merchant, aged 28 yeares<br />
or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article
to the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee<br />
well knoweth the ship the ''Marcus Aurelius'' arlate and alsoe well knoweth<br />
her owners, who hee saith were and are subiects of the Lords States of the<br />
United Netherland Provinces and dwellers in Amsterdam and were and are<br />
by name the Lord John Huydekoper, Lord of Marshaven, Jeromo Ruland<br />
Hendrick Matthias, Volkwyn Momma, John Pelt, William [?Johnson]<br />
Peter Jacobson Hoyewagen, the widow of Emanuel Pelt, [?Conrade ?XXXX]<br />
Ida Simonson Burch master of the said shipp, which hee knoweth because hee<br />
[?the]hee knoweth because hee<br />
[?the] +