[?that] qualitie, but on the contrary a Sp … [?that] qualitie, but on the contrary a Spaniard (whom the said<br />
Moller pretended to be his man) had silke quilts and other<br />
very good accomodation like the principall marchant which<br />
occasioned this deponent then to say that the man is better<br />
accomodated than the master.
To the eleaventh hee saith that the said van lynen<br />
would sometimes say the shipp was his and his owners,<br />
but never [?declared] who those owners were, but<br />
for the goods hee would never say what they were<br />
but often protested hee never knew whose they were.<br />
And therefore and for the reasons aforesaid hee this<br />
deponent verily beleeveth them to belonge to Spaniards<br />
and not to hollanders, and addeth for confirmation<br />
of this his beleefe, that a ffrenchman that was att<br />
Tolon, when the ''Saint Mary'' was brought up said that<br />
the said van lynen in the ''Saint Mary'' under the Spanish flagg had met a ffrench shipp that hee<br />
was in, in the Streights mouth or thereabouts and<br />
as a Spaniard had taken fish from the said ffrencvh shipp<br />
and that afterwards in his sight hee went into the<br />
Bay of Gibraltar under the said Spanish colour,<br />
and alsoe for the reasons following.
To the 12 hee cannot answer, not seeing the said<br />
herera that hee knoweth of.
To the 13 negatively for his part and otherwise cannot<br />
answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 14 and 15 negatively for his part and otherwise<br />
cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the 16 negatively.
To the 17. 18. 19 and 20 hee cannot answer saving<br />
as aforesaid.
To the 21 hee did never see John Moller aforesaid<br />
before such his meeting of him as aforesaid, and<br />
otherwise cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the Interrogatorie in the second place hee cannot<br />
answer, not knowing the vessell ''Propatria'' arlate. knowing the vessell ''Propatria'' arlate. +